How to treat a bend of the gallbladder

How to treat a bend of the gallbladder
 The normal form of the gall bladder resembles a pear, but in some cases inflection occurs between the body and the bottom of the body. Pathology can be congenital or acquired character. Treatment is necessary only in case of deformation and digestive disorders.
 As a rule, gained inflection is a consequence of chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder disease. In this case, the inflammatory process extends to the outer wall of the body, resulting in spikes appear. They cause changes in the composition of bile, which not only distort the bubble, but also entail serious irregularities in the digestive tract.

The course of treatment is medication, physiotherapy, surgery. Should take the drug for 2 weeks and repeat every quarter. Physiotherapy to restore the shape of the gallbladder: electrophoresis, physiotherapy, ultrasound treatment. But gymnastics is appointed only after the acute stage.

Therapeutic exercises can be done at home. There are a number of exercises that relieve pain and normalize the gallbladder:

- Bring your knees up to her stomach and shook on his back;

- Tighten alternately right and left knee to the stomach;

- In the supine position, alternate retraction of the abdomen and relaxation;

- Twist your upper body to the right and to the left.

Prerequisite is compliance with sparing diet, which activates bile secretion, reduces inflammation in the gallbladder and ducts, normalizes the liver, prevents the appearance of cholelithiasis. Release of fat - is the use of vegetable oil, as it has lipotropic action, and prevents stagnation of bile. Fried foods should be eliminated from the diet, as they enhance pain and have an irritating effect on the liver and gallbladder.

Take herbs: chamomile and peppermint, valerian, hops, sweet clover and wild rose, nettle and red mountain ash. To prepare the broth, take 1 tablespoon of the collection of any kind, pour 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew. After cooling, take ½ cup for 15 minutes before eating food.

Immediate help doctors required if there is twisting around the longitudinal axis of the body. This is necessary to avoid adverse effects: poor circulation, cracks in the wall of the body outpouring of bile into the abdominal cavity, etc. When you see a sharp pain, nausea, vomiting, fever and sweating in no case can not be postponed visit to a doctor.

Tags: form a bubble, treatment, violation, digestion, inflection