How to remove the itchy skin

How to remove the itchy skin
 Often people get itchy skin. He is a symptom of various diseases, but by itself is not considered a disease. Best of all with the appearance of this disease to consult a dermatologist to determine the cause of its occurrence. Knowing the cause, you can try to relieve the itching folk remedies.
 Itching can affect the whole body or parts thereof. Along with it may occur redness, burning of affected areas. The main reasons for its occurrence are fungal or allergic diseases. Itching can cause liver disease, kidney disease, nervous system, mental disorders.

Well relieves itching broth succession. To do this in half a liter of boiling water put two tablespoons of grass succession. Wait when the infusion to cool and strain it. Ready decoction can be added to the bath, they lubricate the skin. If you experience itching in the genital broth can be used as water for irrigation. You can also use a decoction of oregano. He is well relieves symptoms due to its cooling effect. In one liter of boiling water must boil one tablespoon of oregano. Infusion is useful to lubricate the affected areas.

You can also pour a cup of boiling water, dry shredded burdock root. Thereafter, cover and keep in a water bath for an hour. Cool and press materials. Twice a week, moisten well the affected area. Keep infusion in a dark glass container.

You can use dill oil. 15 drops of oil to drip on you need a sugar cube and eat one piece three times a day.

Quite quickly relieves itching valerian. Miss in a meat grinder valerian root. For infusion of 50 grams of crushed roots boiled in 150 ml of water until the water has evaporated by half. Broth mix with butter. The funds are used for rubbing itchy places.

Black poplar bark chop and mix thoroughly with petroleum jelly or butter in a ratio of one to four. Apply the ointment on the affected part of the body.

Itching can be removed using a bath with the addition of broth flaxseed. Cook in five liters of water 250 grams of seeds and strain. Even in the bath, you can add three or four tablespoons of juniper extract.

Tags: means the place, itching, broth