Often, low body temperature is observed in adolescent girls when their bodies are actively growing, and they are not fed. In this case, help hot sweet tea. Try also increase vascular tone: take Corvalol, motherwort, caffeine, or ascorbic acid. But these tools can not be abused.
If the decrease in temperature is associated with hypothermia, you need to keep warm. But in any case, do not use the bathroom with hot water too. Should raise the temperature slowly. To this can be most effective foot bath. In the water bath, add, or St. John's Wort Hypericum aromatic oil and eucalyptus. Then drink hot tea with raspberry or currant jam, honey or St. John's wort tincture (per cup of boiling water a tablespoon of herbs).
Lowering the temperature due to the recently transferred illness - also very common pattern. Help the body so you can: observe bed rest, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, take a course of vitamin complexes.
Temperature reduction may be caused by fatigue. Review your daily regime and take the time to relax. Arrange a day off. Take a hot shower, drink hot green tea and get under a warm blanket. Instead of passive recreation can arrange a bath day: not prevent warm up with oak twigs.
Effective way to increase the body temperature are ginger (its root grate, add honey and drink as a tea), ginseng and Siberian ginseng. Well help to solve this problem spicy food, such food if you are certainly not contraindicated.
If the temperature is lowered to last a few days and make it more you can not make an appointment to see a doctor and pass examinations. It causes serious exclude, such as a malfunction of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular diseases, anemia, etc. If it is confirmed the presence of a disease, experts assign you the medicines that can help cure him; will then be eliminated and symptom of the disease - reduced temperature.
Whatever the reason for the reduced temperature, exercise, fresh air, the normal daily routine and avoiding harmful habits - the necessary conditions for the solution of this problem. Beneficial effect on health and positive emotions.