Angina can provoke nervous stress, exercise, cold wind, abundant food and other factors. There is severe pain in the chest, feeling of tightness, squeezing, burning, choking, or shortness of breath.
In no case do not show undue heroism, while continuing to work through the pain. If you smoke - throw a cigarette. Be sure to sit down and relax. Right hand pat rotating motion region of the heart. Very good in a fit of angina put on the left side of the chest yellow card.
Take a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue or Nitrosorbid. You can take 30 drops korvalola, valoserdina or valokordin. If 10 minutes has not passed angina and discomfort in the heart region is retained, it is necessary to take the crushed aspirin and another sublingual nitroglycerin tablet.
At the end of 10-15 minutes after the re-taking the drug if no improvement occurred, it is necessary to take pain medication tablets or spazgan baralgana and cause "ambulance cars". Procrastination emergency medical care is fraught with the development of myocardial infarction.
Folk remedies for the treatment of angina pectoris
Treatment of angina medication are prescribed exclusively cardiologist. But the treatment of angina, traditional methods can hold their own. Only if you do not have allergies.
Treatment of angina pectoris popular methods involves a daily intake of 500-1000 mg of ascorbic acid. This is somewhat lower cholesterol and strengthen the walls of the coronary vessels.
To reduce cholesterol values, enhance immunity and stabilization of the bowel fit this recipe. Mix the crushed clove of garlic 200 g of honey and the juice of 3 lemons. Hold this mixture was 3 days in the dark. Drink preparation of an agent on a teaspoon before meals 2 times a day.
Means of prevention
Smokers should quit this decidedly unhealthy habit. In contrast, patients should keep active in their state of health, lifestyle. Dosage exercise nobody cancels. Even burdensome daily half-hour walk, along with the treatment of angina traditional methods, will have a beneficial effect.
For people who are overweight seeks to shed those extra pounds. Try not to overwork physically in the morning, because at this time the vessels are narrowed easily.
Diet for angina
Choosing products to your table, you need to remember about the minimum content of cholesterol in them. Norm products should be divided into small portions, diet angina patients - 4-5 times per day.
Change your perspective on food. Eat more green and yellow vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, seafood, soybeans, peas and vegetable oil.
The diet prescribed for angina eat dairy products are not more than 1% fat. No more than 5g of salt. Excludes the use of animal fats, vegetable oils are permitted. Bread is better to use black. Eating potatoes, cakes, pies, muffins, rich broth, spices limited.
In sufficient quantities can eat buckwheat, wheat, oat bran cereal with added. Diet also includes the use of angina white chicken meat, but meat intake is limited to 3 times a week, eggs - 1 times.
Following the recommendations of the doctor and the treatment of angina using traditional methods, it is possible a significant improvement in quality of life for years to come.