How to cure a chronic cough

How to cure a chronic cough
 Chronic cough may persist for a long time, and sometimes up to several years. Much discomfort the patient does not feel as often during coughing chest pain is not observed. If you do not start treatment, the lung tissue is gradually deformed and can begin bronchitis, asthma or even cancer.
 Before starting treatment, go to the therapist and consult on this issue. Also, you need to go and examination to rule out pneumonia, tuberculosis and other serious diseases. Your doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotic therapy and, if you have a pronounced inflammatory process that can occur without a fever.

Follow the general guidelines of the therapist. Taking the drug. Being treated with herbs, if you do not have an allergy to them. Buy or thoracic fee or thyme.

Collect brew as indicated on the package, there is also the reception circuit described in detail. Thyme brew boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of dry material per cup of boiling water. Take 30-50 ml three times a day.

If natural remedies do not bring relief, cough and continues to torment you, drink a course "ACC" or "Erespal." Do not take any medication that stops cough, otherwise get a vicious circle.

Inhalation contribute to thinning mucus and mitigate the bronchi. Slightly soluble in water or pine oil per liter of boiling water, add a teaspoon of baking soda. Breathe on the ferry coming freely. The procedure is performed several times a day. Instead inhalation can relax in the sauna, moist air helps in the treatment of the chronic cough best drastic means.

Put mustard on his chest and back, or waft warming ointment. After a few treatments will start strong expectoration, cough and gradually and does take place. But it should be done on a regular basis until they are cured.

To expedite the process, take vitamin C, because it increases the body's defenses. Do not forget about a balanced diet. In diseases of the need to eat organic foods, animal and vegetable origin. And after treatment show yourselves to the therapist and go re-examination.

Tags: cough