"Valocordin", "Valoserdin" or "Corvalol" also slow heartbeat. Drip 30 ml of water, 10 to 40 drops and drink. These preparations contain not only natural calming herbal extracts, and phenobarbital. If you're not carry one of the components, then refrain from taking these drugs.
Brew valerian root drug or motherwort in a cup of boiling water (2 tablespoons of raw materials). Steep for about an hour and take 50 ml 3-4 times a day. Gradually, the heart rhythm to normal. Especially good broth helps with a racing pulse, as a result of stress and under the influence of other unfavorable factors.
Good effect is observed when taking rosehips and hawthorn. Pour 4 tablespoons liter of boiling water, bring to a readiness in a water bath. Drink tea instead of adding a small amount of sugar or honey. But the result will not appear immediately.
In some cases, there is an increased heart rate with a shortage of potassium, and magnesium. Take "Asparkam" or "Pananginum." Look at the diagram annotations or ask your physician. But the pills alone will not help, follow the simple diet. From fatty, spicy and other substandard products may increase heart rate. Eat meals, steamed, baked potatoes, legumes and plenty of fresh fruit.
If a heart problem you are experiencing a long time, consult a cardiologist. After a series of studies and analyzes of the fence you will be treated. To self-medicate in this case is extremely dangerous for life.