HSV first type has 4 stages of development. In the first stage on the future site of the bubble appears burning, pain, itching, and tingling. Sometimes painful symptoms are accompanied by malaise and chills. Stop the progression of the disease at this stage can quickly apply if funds on the basis of acyclovir.
In the second stage there are painful, rapidly growing bubbles of clear liquid, which later becomes cloudy. In the next step the bubbles burst, and in their place are formed painful sores. It was at this time the patient is infectious as possible. The fourth stage of the disease occurs when sores on the spot starts to form a crust.
In general, four steps are normally 7-10 days. If the "cold" heals over a long time, this may be a sign of immunodeficiency, cancer and other diseases.
HSV infection of the second type are often asymptomatic. In this case, the sick person is a source of infection and infect their sexual partners. Eruptions bubbles when infected with genital herpes may appear not only on the genitals, but also on the inner thighs, in the rectum, vagina or urethra.
The main means of preventing any type of herpes - a thorough hygiene: wash your hands after visiting public places, the personal hygiene and no they do not borrow. During sexual intercourse, use condoms and antiseptics. Avoid kissing a man whose explicit rashes on the lips.
Guaranteed to cure herpes, unfortunately, impossible. However, there are many drugs that suppress the virus. These include "Zovirax", "Valtrex", "Famvir", "Panavir", "Docosanol", "Proteflazid", "Flavozid" and others. Eye Treatment with herpes lesions performed "Yodoksuridinom", "vidarabine" and "Triflyuorotimidinom."
Traditional medicine advised to cauterize rash celandine juice and garlic, lubricate the egg white, propolis tincture, sea buckthorn oil. Before using these recommendations, be sure to consult with your doctor.