Suffer from mycosis, mainly adults. He usually appears as a defeat nail plates, the skin between the toes and the arches of the foot caused by infection of the feet pathogenic fungi. This infection can occur through household items sick person by direct contact with him or use his towels, clothes, shoes. Uncommon mycosis infection in baths, saunas, beauty salons, swimming pools, beaches, visiting them if people do not use special slippers.
Mycosis tricky and can prove himself not at once. At a relatively healthy personfungal diseases of the feet a long time, almost nothing had expressed and manifests itself only in the event of favorable factors. Enough to injure the wearer fungal toenails or supercooled, break, cut feet as athlete's foot starts to progress and require special attention.
For the first time the disease manifests itself by the fact that between the fingers and toes and on the soles appear small, constantly moist, cracks. Initially, they did not bother much, so who gives little value as insignificant changes in the state of the feet. And in vain, because in the initial stage to get rid of athlete's foot is easy. But after the process spread to the nail plate, forpodiatry will have to work hard. Nail plate is particularly affected by the fungus quickly, if the infected person for a long time is in close or rubber shoes or wearing synthetic socks or stockings that increase sweating feet. In these cases, the skin surface creates an environment ideal for breeding fungi than they, of course, will not fail to take advantage.
The defeat of the nail plate is expressed in the appearance of the feet on them yellow spots or stripes. Plate gradually thicken or flat out nails fade start to exfoliate, crumble and can separate from the nail bed. In some types offungal diseases of the feet color nail plates can be green, blue, brown and even black and toes swell and start to hurt.
Get rid of athlete's foot running pretty hard, so if you were on the soles of microcracks, you should immediately begin their treatment. No baths or swimming pools or beaches in this period, it is desirable not to attend. After taking a bath or shower legs should be treated with a solution of boric alcohol or vinegar.
Podiatry includes regular use of antifungal ointments: sulfuric acid, tar ointments, lamizila, clotrimazole, nizolrala, ketoconazole, fluconazole, and others. Since the type of athlete's foot may be different, and the defeat of nails minor or quite large, then choose the most suitable type of ointment can be a doctor.
At the initial stage of disease treatments can be carried out independently. They are as follows: the affected nail plates are removed, nails covered with a layer of varnish therapeutic, and the skin around them and the surface of the foot ointment covered with tincture of iodine.
Good help in the treatment offungal disease stop tea tree oil. This oil was treated with pre-washed the affected fungus well place two or three times a day. In the evening, the same periodically do a twenty-foot bath of a few drops of tea tree oil and a quarter cup of milk mixed with five liters of warm water.
To restore the nail plate two or three times a day under the nail and the nail phalanx drip one drop of oil. The procedure is repeated until until all signs of mycosis.
It should be remembered thatfungal diseases of the feet may reappear if during treatment not disinfect socks, tights and shoes. After disinfection, it is desirable to be packaged in plastic bags.
Very good prevention of mycosis is bosohozhdenie conducive to the improvement of the general condition of the feet. Regular foot ventilation in the summer and their natural massage activates the metabolism and blood circulation, counteract the development offungal diseases of the feetCreating an unfavorable environment for their development.
Traditional medicine offerspodiatry wine or apple cider vinegar, which makes of foot bath before going to bed. Further, as a medicinal mixture can be used acetic acid, cocklebur broth, birch tar, Veronica drug infusion, mint pounded salt, an aqueous solution of baking soda and salt.
Mycosis curable. However, the main point in this issue - careful hygiene. To avoidfungal disease stopNeed to constantly monitor the status of their shoes and clothing, personal use only household items and ensure that the feet are clean and dry. And then your feet will always look good, pleasing your health and beauty!
Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady