Children's breast has exactly the same signs and symptoms as adults. Enlarged mammary glands on one or both sides, with the feeling felt seal and small balls. When pressed may appear white discharge. For diagnostic study blood hormone levels, breast ultrasound. All examinations prescribed by the physician and endocrinologist.
Breast newborns occurs due to hormonal crisis that occurred in the body after birth. Estrogen level drops to critical levels, the presence of other hormones increase. After adaptation of the newborn child to live outside the uterus, hormone levels return to normal and the phenomenon of mastitis disappear without any intervention.
If the child is breastfed, the signs of mastitis may occur due to the hormones produced by the mother. Treatment is prescribed very carefully so as not to harm the health of the child. If the breast is preserved, progresses or any stagnation in the mammary gland, the surgery is performed. Stagnant nodes removed and mastitis symptoms disappear.
In the older age breast may occur due to certain medications, hormonal failure in the endocrine system, stress or diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
In all cases, the onset of symptoms and signs of mastitis should immediately contact a primary care pediatrician, get a referral to an endocrinologist, to complete a full range of inspection and prescribed treatment. Remember that breast in children is more dangerous than in adults, and requires immediate treatment.