Ways to get rid of ear pain

Ways to get rid of ear pain
 The onset of pain in the ear may commence for various reasons, but also be a symptom of serious illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to the ENT doctor. But what to do, for example, if the pain started at night, and a visit to the doctor is necessary to postpone until the morning? Or country house, far from the nearest health facility? In such cases, it may help some people's way of getting rid of the pain.

First aid for earaches

If you feel a sharp pain in the auricle, you can use a tool that is always at hand. In almost every house in the kitchen there is salt, vegetable oil and onions. They can be removed completely or twinge, or at least significantly reduce the discomfort.

Strong heating a dry frying pan salt (preferably coarse), then pour the bag it in the dense fabric. The amount of salt should be such that it moves freely in the bag neck tying after dense. The resulting salt pad must be applied to the patient's ear and secure with a scarf or kerchief.

You can also just go to a sore ear, "settled down" on this pad.

Once the salt has cooled, close the ear canal with a cotton swab and re-tie a head scarf or kerchief. If there is a boric alcohol or vodka, better soak a tampon one of these liquids - the treatment will be more effective.

Good remedy for earaches - onion juice. Rub a piece of onion on a fine grater or chop finely with a sharp knife, then crush bottomed spoon. The resulting slurry squeeze through cheesecloth. Moisten a cotton swab with onion juice and put it in the ear, and then cover the head scarf, scarf or cloth.

This method is particularly helpful if an earache caused by colds.

It is possible to try and get rid of pain using a heated vegetable oil. Pipette a few drops into the ear canal and close the ear with a cotton swab. Then also wrap your head.

Even if the pain is completely gone, you must visit a doctor. Indeed, as already mentioned, the cause of pain in the ear can be a serious disease.

What if the ear pain caused by pressure drop

During the flight, while hiking in the mountains or when diving to a depth may be pain in the ears (sometimes very strong). This is due to the pressure difference in the inner and outer ear canal. Eliminate this nuisance easy: you just have to pinch your fingers tightly nostril and exhale with force through the nasopharynx. After the fingers will be decompressed, the pain considerably weakened. If necessary, repeat this procedure one or two more times.

Get rid of the pain in the ear will help you and medications prescribed by a doctor to you. Do not neglect their application, relying on traditional methods.

Tags: means, ear pain, the method, the method deliverance