Menstrual disorders: causes, consequences

Menstrual disorders: causes, consequences
 Any failure in the menstrual cycle are both causes and consequences. Unwise to ignore the problem, because at stake is the health of the reproductive system and of the female body.
 We buxom lady monthly cycle averaged fit in 20-36 days. Parish monthly happens regularly, at one time, and this indicates that the reproductive system, and the whole body works like a clock - well, consistently, without fail. However, the statistics of medical evidence to the contrary: a great number of ladies of childbearing age is fixed at serious disruption of the menstrual cycle, monthly cease to start on time or disappear altogether.

Ovarian dysfunction (aka - the menstrual cycle) declares itself ambiguous. Sometimes there is "ragged" cycle, ie longitude interval between periods increases and decreases.

Menstruation often disappear completely, often significantly increases blood loss, there is a strange sensation and severe pain.

For any changes in menstrual cycle, it is important to consult a gynecologist. Physician to adequately assess the problem and find the cause of its occurrence, will recommend how to avoid similar violations in the future.

Causes of menstrual disorders

Sometimes the cause of failure of the ovaries is extremely difficult. Most often on women's health affects the totality of factors.

The most common reasons for failure of the menstrual cycle:
- Inflammation of the ovaries, uterus or appendages. As a rule, these problems arise because of poor personal hygiene, illiterate douche, common cold or hypothermia, introduction of infection in the genital area of ​​the other bodies;
- Diseases of the uterus and ovaries. Almost every disease genital certainly lead to malfunction of the ovaries, including cancer, fibroids, tumors, endometriosis;
- Endocrine disorders. If a woman has problems with the thyroid gland or adrenal glands, if she is suffering from diabetes or obesity, the menstrual cycle can not be avoided. The fact that these problems cause hormonal failure in the body that immediately affect the reproductive system and the ovaries;
- Nervous or physical stress or exhaustion. Life is full of stress, especially a woman's life. However, it is important to avoid fatigue, both physical and nervous, in every way. Prevent failure of the ovaries is easy, just adjust the time and labor to learn to step back from the problems and stress;
- Early abortion or miscarriage. Great danger fraught with surgical or medical termination of first pregnancy. The body just adjusted to childbearing, hormones change dramatically, and abortion abruptly cut off all running processes. In this case, ovarian dysfunction virtually secured. Worse, the violation of the cycle can result in complete sterility;
- IUD. If the coil in the uterus is not installed correctly, or had contraindications to its introduction, the probability of cycle disorders. IUD can be placed only in the absence of contraindications. Moreover, it is important to regularly surveyed at the gynecologist, and not to go to him every five years, only to change the helix;
- Climate change. Do not think that the flight from freezing Siberia to sunny Turkey pass unnoticed for the female body. Any journey, even lasting a week, but I suppose the change in air temperature, time zones, atmospheric pressure has an effect on women's health.

The consequences of menstrual disorders

Menstrual disorders: causes, consequences

Unwillingness to have children - that's no reason to ignore the failures in the ovaries. Treat cycle disorders and eliminate their causes need to prevent serious consequences. And it's better to do it sooner rather than later.

The most unpleasant consequences of failure of the menstrual cycle:
- Fatigue until the disability. If menses come often, and they are accompanied by a very strong blood loss, deplorable outcome can not be avoided;
- Infertility;
- The development of dangerous pathologies possibly fatal. If the female body appeared any pathology, first on her menstrual cycle will react. Ignore the failure, then do not diagnose pathology, and it will lead to terrible consequences;
- The development of endocrine disorders. Failures of the menstrual cycle result in a change in hormonal levels that very soon lead to malfunction of the endocrine system.

Any woman, she should remember that as soon as the menstrual cycle is broken, you should immediately go to the doctor. Only a doctor correctly tackles the causes of dysfunction, hold effective treatment and prevent the terrible consequences. Do not ignore the failure of the ovaries, absolutely can not try to cure yourself in such matters. "Listen," your body reacts to the signals it sends to you, consult a doctor. In this case, the health of the reproductive system will be in safe hands!

Tags: consequence, the violation of the cycle, the reason