How to treat frostbite hands

How to treat frostbite hands
 Prolonged exposure to low temperatures, high humidity, blood loss, exhaustion, fatigue and a stationary state can contribute to frostbite of hands, as well as to increase the degree of tissue damage. The skin on the affected area becomes pale, reduced sensitivity. It is important to notice the beginning of frostbite and take appropriate action.  
 First of all you need to remove your hands from the cold. To do this, go to a warm place. If this is not possible, you have to wrap your hands well. To improve the circulation can pick them up.

In no case do not rub the affected area with snow or coarse cloth - this will help warm up his hands, but will damage the skin. If the hands are warmed up and the blood circulation in them resumed, we have to impose aseptic bandage and wrap the limb layer of cotton or woolen cloth.

If there is a possibility of re-exposure to cold, heat the limb is not necessary, it will lead to further tissue damage.

If frostbite hands lightly rub them with alcohol or vodka, and then dipped in warm (not hot water). After a warm bath hands should be wrapped in a soft, dry cloth and give the victim any warm drink (but not in any way not alcohol).

If these do not help, and after a while there were signs of frostbite 2 and 3 degrees (on the skin blisters with serous bloody fluid, edema, burning, itching, skin gets purple-bluish tint), should see a doctor.

Treatment is aimed at preventing the development of infection. Superimposed on the affected area dry aseptic bandage or dressing with ointments containing aseptic substance (streptocid, iodoform, sintomitsina). In severe frostbite dead areas are removed.

Good recipes with frostbite mild to moderate offers traditional medicine. Need to do a bath for hands with chamomile extract, lubricate the affected places or goose fat rabbit, ointment or petroleum jelly and propolis from.

The main place in the fight against frostbite given to prevention. Wear in the cold season warm mittens made of natural wool, and the risk of hypothermia hands will be reduced to a minimum.

Tags: skin, hand, fabric, dressing, treatment, frostbite, sign