How to treat cracked ribs

How to treat cracked ribs
 Rib fracture may occur as a result of even a minor injury, weight lifting and other impacts on the chest, causing pain occurs, which may be aggravated by movement or coughing.
 If you feel discomfort in the chest, then immediately consult a traumatologist or surgeon. Wait until all self-will is not desirable, since it has the same symptoms and other diseases, such as angina, intercostal neuralgia, pneumonia and others. On the basis of X-ray examination you are diagnosed. If the crack is not noticeable right away, you do an x-ray again in 10-12 days.

On the basis of the inspection, even if the picture can not see anything, the doctor will put you to a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Most often, it is the administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pills and ointments. If the pain is severe, possibly holding novocaine blockades, but this is not desirable.

Daily wear supports the chest bandage or bandage elastic bandages. Try to comply with bed rest and do not lift anything heavy, or the healing process will be delayed for several months.

Gradually the pain subsided. The average improvement observed after 2 weeks, but it provided that you comply with all requirements of a doctor. Sometimes there are complications in the lungs, but that in rare cases when it is not just a crack and fracture (just seen in the picture).

Take calcium-containing preparations. Pre-consult on this issue with a specialist. Eat dairy products, because they help build bone.

Periodic visits to the surgeon that he controlled the healing process. But after a full recovery you have not lifted anything heavy for months. If pain persists for a long period of time, then you will have a further examination.

Any specific therapy for the treatment of fractures of ribs not. All treatment is aimed only at pain relief and restoration of the damaged area. But this should not be a reason for self-medication.

Tags: crack, fracture, rib