How to treat an ingrown nail at home

How to treat an ingrown nail at home
 Ingrown nail - a very painful condition that occurs for various reasons and most often affects the big toe. This is not a minor inconvenience harmless as it may seem at first glance.
 On the other fingers nails grow fortunately extremely rare, but the ingrown nail on the thumb - a very common disease, which is very few people seriously. This nuisance eventually develops into a real problem: the nail cuts into the edge of the nail fold, and begins to grow into the flesh, causing this sharp, throbbing pain.

If you feel pain, not only walking, but also during rest, so in place ingrowth inflammatory process has begun. It not only feels physically, but can be seen with the naked eye: the site of inflammation is red, pus may start bleeding, skin flakes and peeling off.

The most common cause of sore - wrong pedicures. Too deeply trimmed at the edges of the nails fail to grow properly and literally cut into the flesh. Inconvenient, tight shoes, flat feet, the fungus on the feet can also lead to ingrown nail.

If you see your doctor, especially at a late stage, you will be shown a surgical intervention. The surgeon will remove the diseased nail and you have to wait to grow a new one. The procedure is not pleasant.

But if you prefer to treatment immediately at the first sign, you can help yourself with the help of folk remedies.

Take 6 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, brew their two liters of boiling water, let stand for an hour. Strain the infusion, heat, pour into a bowl and hold it in the injured leg. Then dry the finger, carefully lift the ingrown edge and put it under him a small cotton swab soaked in iodine.

Rasparte leg slightly shaved intergrown part. Take a small knife, and degrease it carefully, in the middle of the nail from cuticle to the top, slide groove. Over time, the nail will begin to grow straighter and cease to bother you.

Take a rubber fingertip, fill it with cow butter, and put on before going to bed sore thumb. Do this for three weeks. Soften the nail, the pain will pass. Gently lift the edge of the nail in place ingrowth by placing it on a piece of gauze and bandage finger.

To ingrown toenails have not bothered to do a pedicure properly observe hygiene legs and do not wear too tight shoes.

Tags: house, home, condition, means, nail