How to treat a wound on the lip

How to treat a wound on the lip
 On the lips skin is very thin and sensitive to environmental effects, so very often they appear wounds of different origin. The most common are perleches, cracks, herpes, which bring pain and discomfort.
 It is necessary to early treatment of wounds, to restore the integrity and beauty of your lips. Depends on this woman's appearance.

The slightest damage to the mouth can lead to festering sores, so it immediately treat with antibiotics. For the prevention of Zayed, which arise in the corners, take care of lip skin: Apply nourishing cream, moisturizing lipstick, vitamin mask, etc. Of course, include in the diet more products with a high content of vitamin A and E.

For the treatment of wounds caused by the herpes virus family use drugs acyclovir. After drying on the lip formed a crust, which in any case should not be clean. The course of treatment is 5-7 days. But it should be noted that the expression of the virus is a signal of a violation within the body. As a rule, becomes a cause weakening of the immune defense. So drink a decoction of wild rose, berry fruit drinks, drink a course of vitamins.

There are treatments that can be applied quite easily at home.

Vitamin solution. Take 1 capsule oil solution of vitamin A and E, add ½ teaspoon of broth hips and castor oil. In conjunction with the main treatment applied to the surface of the lips in the form of compresses twice a day until complete disappearance of wounds or binding.

Cucumber patch. Apply for sores or lesions formed slices of cucumber, securing their patch. Already after a few treatments lip surface becomes flat and smooth.

Honey mask. Mix equal parts of honey and butter. The resulting mixture was put on the lips. This tool will remove dryness, which is often the cause of the cracks. Honey has antibacterial properties, so to prevent microbial growth.

Tags: skin, lip, crack, virus, beauty, herpes, treatment, wound