How to normalize your hormones

How to normalize your hormones
 Hormonal called the optimal ratio of biologically active substances in the body. Disturbed balance in the system when a hormone is insufficient or excess. The man is getting worse overall physical condition and "drops" mood. Determine which hormone is out of control, can be based on the results of a blood test. Additional tips for women serve as extra pounds, suddenly formed in a particular part of the body. Doctor will choose the best option endikrinolog medication. Increase the effectiveness of drugs, you can use the right diet and exercise.
 Cortisol - a stress hormone

The release of cortisol occurs every time when you are nervous because of problems at work, a traffic jam or a child's illness. This hormone helps you mobilize to exit difficult situation. But if cortisol produced by the adrenal glands in excess, and you do not have time to spend it on purpose, the opposite situation occurs. Instead of lifting forces you experience fatigue, frequent illness. You always want sweet, and in the abdominal area are extra folds of fat.

Normalize cortisol levels can be a few simple ways. Do some yoga. Its exercise is not to create the body of stress, as opposed to intensive sports.

Give up coffee in favor of tea. Each cup of tea contains a high concentration of theanine - a substance that promotes relaxation and rapidly reduces levels of cortisol.

Add in the diet of foods rich in vitamin C. Daily eat sweet green peppers, potatoes, any citrus. Cook decoctions of buckthorn. Winter further receives ascorbic acid in the form of pills or tablets.

Somatropin - growth hormone

Adults who also need this hormone. Somatropin strengthens the muscles of the back, shoulders, pelvis, reduces anxiety and faster recuperation after physical and mental exertion. With a lack of growth hormone begin to "grow" the belly and thighs, reduced efficiency.

Increase the level of growth hormone food with high protein content. Eat lean meat, poultry, marine fish. Coffee drink rarely and in small quantities. Quit smoking and engage in physical culture. Running, cycling, sports games with the meat will help saturate the blood with somatropin.

Melatonin - sleep hormone

This hormone relaxes muscles, relieves tension daytime, reduces the amount of adrenaline in the blood, lulls man wakes up in the morning and evening.

Not to test melatonin problems, create the bedroom of natural light and ventilate it in the evening and morning. To increase the hormone eat rice, bananas, corn. Take vitamin-mineral complexes, whose composition must include calcium, magnesium, carnitine, vitamin B3.

Leptin - a hormone of satiety

Its main role - the suppression of appetite. This hormone signals the brain to receive a sufficient amount of food and the need to end the meal. If leptin is produced by little, his "voice" is weakening, and the feeling of hunger becomes almost constant.

To restore the function of leptin, add to your diet foods rich in omega-3 acids. These include fatty fish species, any nuts, sunflower seeds, etc. Another effective way to normalize leptin is a restful sleep. Sleep at night for at least 8 hours. Whenever possible, allow yourself to short periods of daytime sleep - 30-40 minutes should be sufficient.

Serotonin - a hormone happiness

Serotonin deficiency brings human weakness, sadness, a sense of dissatisfaction with life. However, its production is easy
can be controlled by proper nutrition.

Reducing serotonin are the best chocolate with a high cocoa content, products, rich in protein (turkey, chicken, eggs, cheese, lean beef), as well as tomatoes, beans, mushrooms, lentils, plums, bananas and figs. Reduce the level of the hormone of joy all alcoholic drinks, coffee, sweets and foods containing large amounts of yeast.

Estradiol - hormone femininity

The optimal amount of this hormone reduces wrinkles, firmness support a woman's breasts, makes a woman charming and attractive. Lack of estradiol finds itself in chronic fatigue, menstrual cycle changes, tendency to depression and extra pounds around the waist and hips.

Change the power supply system. Every day eat at least four servings of vegetables and fruits. Add menu dishes that are high in animal protein, often cook lean meat, fish, eggs, chicken and turkey. Reduce the amount of bread and pasta. Avoid products containing vegetable estrogens, such as coffee, legumes, beer.

Tags: background, recovery, normalization