How to increase the acidity of gastric juice

How to increase the acidity of gastric juice
 Reduced gastric acidity is usually observed in gastritis, which is accompanied by pain and also in the stomach. Find the right treatment regimen of this disease can only be a specialist gastroenterologist, but outside of relapse and in consultation with your doctor to increase the acidity of gastric juice can and using the methods of traditional medicine.
 Normalize the acidity of gastric juice can help you honey water, which is prepared as follows: 0, 5 tsp. Honey is dissolved in 100 ml of warm boiled water. Take this medicinal drink is recommended 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before eating.

Equally effective action has and grapes. Those who suffer from low acidity, it is useful for 20-30 minutes before a meal to eat 100-150 grams of this medicinal fruit.

Fans of apricots can increase the acidity of gastric juice, just taking them for food. Therapeutic effects have not only fresh but dried apricots, as well as their juice, which is necessary to drink for 30 minutes before a meal.

Those who suffer from reduced gastric acidity should be as often as possible to include in your menu fresh mashed turnips. Washed and cleaned turnips must grate and fill with vegetable oil.

The juice of fresh leaves of plantain also has the property to increase the acidity of gastric juice. To make it, you must take the washed under running water leaves the plant, douse them with boiling water, mince and squeeze through cheesecloth. If the juice is turned viscous and thick, it can be diluted in equal proportions boiled water. It should take 1 tbsp. spoon for 10-15 minutes before meals. Store the juice should be refrigerated.

Another effective method recommended by folk medicine for this ailment is the use of honey and butter, taken in equal proportions. Taking this mixture of 1 tbsp. spoon for 20-30 minutes before a meal, you have a few days feel a reduction in symptoms of gastritis with low acidity.

Good help normalize the acidity of gastric juice and the usual beans, which is useful in any kind - from it we can cook soup, mash, add to salads and vinaigrettes.

Tags: gastritis, stomach acidity treatment