How to improve cerebral blood flow

How to improve cerebral blood flow
 The human brain - an organ that controls all the processes occurring in our body. And if suddenly there were some violations and lost operation of the body, the brain is looking for another way in which you can duplicate a specific function. Therefore, every person is important to protect the brain and care about improving its circulation.  

Most affected by poor circulation brain people after 40 years. That the brain is always working at full capacity, we must constantly work to give to the mind. Then the brain activity will retain its original settings, and will not grow old, and thus the blood circulation of the brain will not be disturbed.

After more than 40 years will take an ordinary aspirin, which thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. This will be the prevention of cerebral circulation. For enrichment of oxygen to the brain, there are a variety of drugs, such as glycine and other nootropics. A bit of good red wine improves blood circulation of the brain.

Very useful for the brain fresh vegetables, fruits, such as apples, carrots. Walnuts improve mental performance of the brain. In addition to medications and proper balanced diet activates the brain regular physical activity. Sports, outdoor activities, morning exercises - all this is of great importance in improving the cerebral circulation. Read about the system Su-Jok, who practices a wonderful exercise, which consists in massage walnut points projected onto the brain. Brain activity is markedly activated, increases its efficiency.

To the brain was healthy, and his circulation was active, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise, spend more time outdoors. Proper breathing nourishes the brain with oxygen, and he begins to work more actively, improves memory, increases vitality, improves mood. If a person is concerned about their health, and in particular, the normal cerebral blood flow, it will always remain in sound mind and memory.

Tags: brain massage improvement oxygen circulation