How to get rid of hand-shake

How to get rid of hand-shake
 Hand tremor can be the result of pathological processes in the brain, or other disease symptom - osteoarthritis, thyroid hyperplasia. In some cases, found a benign, or as it is called, Junior tremor with no apparent reason and being a genetic predisposition incoordination.
 When junior (hereditary) hand tremor any special treatment is needed. Incoordination in this case does not apply to other muscles. This phenomenon begins to emerge during puberty, it all starts with one hand, then moves on to the second. Rarely occurs immediately in both hands. Sometimes accompanied by tremor of the head, feet and tongue. Markedly enhanced by emotional stress or alcohol intake. To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon can be used fasting, dousing with cold water. Alcohol is best avoided. If hand shake is clearly interconnected with stressful situations, for the prevention of its occurrence to an hour before the expected emotional stress to take sedatives.

In some cases, hand tremor caused by the use of caffeine, which is found in strong black tea, coffee and energy drinks. If you notice that after eating foods that contain caffeine, there is a loss of coordination in the form of hand-shake, you must completely abandon them. Black tea is replaced by green, and before going to bed to take sedatives plant collections in the form of decoctions. Tremor may also provoke some drugs with vasoconstrictor effect. Upon detection of such a side effect, ask your doctor to replace the drug to another.

Get rid of hand-shake, you can use simple exercises. Before starting any physical work sit in a chair and lock arms on the armrests. Firmly squeeze the muscles and hold them in a tense situation a few minutes. Arising as a result of muscle fatigue, on the basis of feedback, excessive tension of the muscles weaken and decrease tremor. After that, proceed to perform normal household chores, pre-wearing wrist cuff with a load of up to 1 kilogram. Do not carry the load for long periods, alternate with periods of strain relaxation. Otherwise, excessive muscle fatigue leads to an additional enhancement of tremor.

Tags: hand movement, tremor, disturbance, coordination, tremors, reason