How to get rid of bumps on the thumb

How to get rid of bumps on the thumb
 The appearance of bumps on the big toe is usually the main symptom of transverse flatfoot. To the emergence of this disease leads wearing narrow dress shoes or shoes with high heels, so suffer from this disease more often women. Reduce the size of the bumps and remove the pain can be using the recipes of traditional medicine.
 In order to achieve a stable and significant effect on the use of traditional methods of struggle with cones on the toes should be treated on a daily basis and regularly - procedures that are carried out from time to time, you will not bring the expected relief.

Cure flat feet can cross using the baths of ordinary table salt. Take a handful of salt, fill it with hot water, wait until the salt is dissolved, and the temperature will be comfortable for you, and dip into the water feet. Keep them in solution for 15-20 min. In order to achieve a noticeable effect to perform this procedure must be at night for 2-3 weeks.

No less simple, but no less effective way of getting rid of bumps on the big toes - a daily application of iodine mesh on them. If you apply it daily at night for a month, then the pain will disappear, and bump reduce or pass.

Help you get rid of the disease and can compress of river fish. But this method will bring relief only if the fish is fresh - frozen therapeutic effect is not. Make fish wrap is simple - take a piece of fish required size, attach it to the cone and secure with a bandage. It is advisable to do this procedure at night and not remove the compress until the morning. Treatment fresh fish is not less than a week.

Effectively helps relieve the pain and reduce the size of the cones on their toes and propolis, which before laying on the affected area is recommended to stretch a bit in hand. This wrap is also better to keep all night, securing it on his leg with a bandage.

Get rid of the manifestations of the cross flatfoot can help you compress of parsley seeds, which has anti-inflammatory effects. Finely chop the parsley and place it on a pre-soaked and wrung cotton cloth and apply a compress to the cone. It can be removed when the fabric is completely dry. It is desirable to carry out this procedure daily for 1-2 weeks.

Tags: finger cones