How to clean the tonsils

How to clean the tonsils
 Tonsils are composed of lymphoid tissue and placed in the recess between the tongue and palate. They participate in the development of immunity, there are those protective function for the body. People suffering from chronic tonsillitis, often complain of bad breath and congestion in the gaps of solid lumps, which emit a putrid odor. So how do you clean the tonsils?
 Tonsils protect the human body from various infections, but sometimes they have a tendency to become inflamed. After tonsils are a barrier standing in the way of toxins released during diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, digestive tract, dental, ENT organs. Previously often inflamed tonsils removed surgically. Now it's come in extremely rare cases, when conservative treatment fails.

Not every one of you knows that it is necessary to properly care for almonds, in order to preserve their health. Their structure more like a sponge tonsils, which absorbs all the bacteria and germs. They begin to multiply, thereby the body includes the protection and produces white blood cells that fight infection beginning in the gaps of the tonsils. This forms pus - the remains of dead white blood cells and bacteria.

If you open your mouth and pull the tongue as much as possible, you can see on the tonsils white, yellow, and sometimes greenish patina. Thus, purified from tonsils precipitates. Such exercises are a great way of treatment and purification of a sore throat.

So how well do exercise? Take a deep breath and hold your breath. Open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue far forward, then down to the chin. Push your chin to your chest, will focus on the throat and neck muscles. Stay in this position for as long as enough to breath. Do exercise five times. Then dissolve in a glass of water half a teaspoon of salt and gargle.

You can clear the amygdala using massage. Grease a neck cream or Vaseline. Gently grasp the trachea padded thumb and forefinger near the jugular depression. Make as if squeezing movement up the muscle. To feel the muscle, turn your head to the side, then it will be easy to feel out. Fingers should move on its front edge towards the ears. When you get to a place of growth of wisdom teeth, change direction and move under the lower jaw to the chin. The path must pass through the tonsils, try to capture their backside.

During this massage you can feel a tickle feeling that causes pus released from the tonsils. Properly cleared his throat and gargle with acidified water. For its preparation you need lemon juice, which should be mixed in equal proportions with water or dilute citric acid on the tip of a knife in a glass of water. You can add a small amount of water, apple cider vinegar.

Carefully wash one medium lemon with soap and slowly, with peel, eat. After that, try not to eat within an hour, it will citric acid and essential oils to clear the throat and tonsils. Repeat the procedure three hours.

Use to cleanse the tonsils sage, chamomile, Calenduleae, soda and salt rinses. Postprandial always gargle, especially after the cheese, sunflower seeds and cheese. It is not recommended to squeeze yourself clumps of pus from the lacunae of tonsils, so you can only carry infection. Refer to the ENT doctor, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment and washing tonsils.

Tags: massage, cleansing, rinsing, amygdala