Folk remedies for migraine

Folk remedies for migraine
 Headache. ... It is possible that this is a symptom of any disease, but there is a disease that manifests itself in the form of long, strong, sometimes unbearable headaches. Called the disease - a migraine. Women's magazine JustLady today to consider this topic. It is noteworthy that only the people suffer from migraine. Doctors still have not figured out why there is this disease. The word translated as migraine disease is half a head. Journal JustLady decided to devote today's conversation migraine because according to statistics, women suffer it ten times more often than men. And the reason for this - an imbalance of hormones. As is known, the main male sex hormone - testosterone in women is their two - hormones, estrogen and progesterone antagonists. Because of the cyclical operation of these hormones mood changes a woman, her well-being, performance. So many women severe headache often appears before menses.

When the head simply breaks, we are ready to enjoy any sort of pain medication tablets, just to drown out the pain. Still, women's magazine JustLady warns you: medications that help in one case, harm to another. After all, the causes of severe headache can be many, and it is not necessary to swallow everything, just to numb the pain.

A few tips for those who often have migraines:

- Do not sit for a long time in front of TV and computer. Remember that light their screens may cause spasm of blood vessels of the brain, which leads to the headache.
- Read books and magazines in a well-lit room.
- Try not to overwork, not to worry.
- Sleep well, ventilate the room before going to bed, watch daily routine.

Folk remedies for migraine

Folk remedies for migraine

Not only drugs but alsofolk remedies for migraine may well relieve headaches. The magazine brings you some JustLady available recipes that can help you get rid of a migraine.

• If you have a headache, have a cup of hot tea. And carried out this procedure: dip a spoon into the tea, and when it warms up, attach it to the wing of the nose with the side that hurts. Do this several times. Then repeat the same, but with the ear lobe on painful side. The pain is gone? That's great.

• Suchfolk remedies for migraineAs steam baths, well proven. Boil the mixture of equal amounts of water and apple cider vinegar. When, during the boiling steam is, lower your head to the pan and make a pair of 75 breaths. After this headache should weaken or completely pass.

• Good help head massage. Thoroughly mash her fingertips, or take a wooden comb and massage your head in a circular motion, starting from the temples and forehead and headed for the back of the head. So you relax, and headache easier.

• Not onlyfolk remedies for migraineBut your imagination and help you relieve pain. Darken the room, sit in your favorite chair, close your eyes, relax. Imagine that you are sitting on the sandy shore, and waves rolling take your pain and carry it out to sea.

• Journal JustLady advises you to make a decoction of the herb mint, and red clover infusion - it is very effectivefolk remedies for migraine. Half a tablespoon of herb peppermint pour a glass of hot water, cover, heat on a water bath for 15 minutes. Refrigerate 45 minutes. After strain, add boiling water to make a full glass of infusion. Take the infusion for 15 minutes before meals 1-3 times a day for half a glass. Infusion stored no more than two days.

• Apply to the head of the fresh leaves mother and stepmother.

• Usually a headache go away if you attach to the head with a towel soaked in vinegar.

• Goodfolk remedies for migraine - Onion and fresh lemon rind. Cut the onion into two halves and attach them to the temples, until the headache subsides. Lemon rind clear of white skin and apply a wet side to the temple.

• In very severe pain is recommended to mix well pounded celandine, rose oil and vinegar. This mixture can be lubricated with whiskey.

• Make infusion: 1 tablespoon mint, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, valerian root, calendula, strawberry leaves. Pour mixture of 1 liter of boiling water, boil on low heat for 10 minutes, then strain. Take 3 times a day before meals for a quarter cup.

• If the headache well help thyme leaves - apply them to his forehead.

• Do not overlook and is a good remedy for headaches, like mustard. Mustard plaster or bandage drug mustard impose on temple, neck, between the shoulder blades, or on the eggs of the heel.

• Remarkablefolk remedies for migraine - Decoction of the leaves of agave and St. John's Wort. Several sheets of agave cook in two liters of water. Within days, spray the head of this broth. 1 tbsp. l. herb Hypericum pour 1 cup boiling water, boil on low heat for 5 minutes, strain. Three times a day, drink a quarter cup.

• If the headache is caused by stress or fatigue, make glass infusion of peppermint leaves, chamomile flowers, valerian root, fennel fruit. 2 tablespoons a mixture of herbs brew 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Leave overnight to infuse.

• When you wash your hair with migraine marjoram 2 tablespoons grass brew 0, 5 boiling water, leave for 2 hours.

• Effectivefolk remedies for migraine - Herbal pillow filled with a mixture of herbs (eucalyptus, camphor laurel, laurel leaves) and a bath with oregano. Make infusion: 100-200 g oregano pour 2-3 liters of boiling water, pour into the tub. By the way, the magazine JustLady advises you to take the bath and in the menstrual cycle - all problems as a hand shoots.

Women's magazine JustLady hopes that the recipes given us in this article will help you to relieve headaches. God bless you!

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: migraine drug