Disruption of water and electrolyte balance

Disruption of water and electrolyte balance
 The concentration of salt - a vital mechanism that supports the necessary internal environment of the human body. Salts are in all cells and in body fluids. Due to violations of water-salt metabolism can hinder the work of many organs. But at the same time, malfunctions of the organism in turn lead to a shift in the balance.

The salt content is regulated in the kidney, under the leadership of the central nervous system. The process of entering into the human body water and salt, their absorption, distribution and excretion through the body is called the water-salt balance. In the day a person must consume 2-2, 5 liters of water. About the same amount of water per day the human body loses: kidneys eliminate 1-1, 4 liters, intestines - 0, 2 l, skin - 0, 5 liters of light - 0, 4 liters.

Causes of violations of water-salt balance can be many. When significant blood loss decreased blood volume and compensation mechanisms activated, which leads to a high salt concentration Accumulation of fluid and restore the volume of liquid in the vessel.

Renal failure leads to an increase in the body fluid. Malfunction of the kidneys increases the concentration of salts in the blood, which leads to disruption of the body's cells.

Multiple vomiting, sweating, diarrhea, pancreatitis, lead to loss of chlorine ions (salts), and the loss of fluid through the skin. Uncontrolled receiving diuretic drugs affect the metabolism of water and salt.

Drinking large amounts of salt, nephrolithiasis accompanied by disruption of the urinary tract.

If a person for a long time is unconscious, the insufficient supply of water and salts man also lead to imbalance.

With increased vascular permeability in the body accumulates salt and water excretion with their body copes badly.

The main symptom of violations of water-salt balance - the feeling of thirst, edema, dehydration. Possible violation of the acid-base balance, lowering blood pressure, irregular heartbeat. These problems can lead to serious complications: collapse, cardiac arrest. It is therefore necessary time to see a doctor.

For the prevention of irregularities and the recovery of water-salt balance is recommended to use the following foods: oatmeal, bananas, chicken breast, carrots. From drinks: orange and grape juice. But proper treatment and diet can assign qualified personnel only.

Tags: body balance, metabolism, disease, disturbance