Constant pain throat: causes and treatment

Constant pain throat: causes and treatment
 Persistent sore throat is a sign of chronic tonsillitis - a disease in which the impact of staphylococcal and streptococcal infection causes inflammation of the tonsils. Most often, this pathogenic process is facilitated by low immunity, mucosal microflora violation, caries and sinusitis. Get rid of this disease is possible only after removing the cause. Otherwise, the result of the use of any means will be short-lived.  
 Chronic tonsillitis manifested constant pain in the throat, and it is not connected with hypothermia or autumn-winter period. Most often in the morning it is more pronounced, and in the evening almost non-existent. This pathogenic process fails completely to health, because the infection spreads through the bloodstream throughout the body and can be localized in the kidney, heart, joints, gall bladder. Avoid all the consequences and possible removal of the tonsils due to their proliferation, will only high-grade, long-term treatment and the overall strengthening of the body

Begin treatment of tonsillitis with caries removal, if any. Then oral pathogens will not break the balance, and the tonsils do not have to constantly fight with them, and in response to this inflamed.

With the help of diet normalize bowel microflora and restore it, because it affects the development of their own immunity. To do this, eat more raw vegetables, fruits and herbs, especially useful onion and garlic. Avoid sugar, white bread, pastry and confectionery any. Moderately consume milk and potatoes. To fill the body fluid, use only water - up to 10 glasses a day, and at night be sure to drink a glass of kefir.

At the time of treatment to support your body with vitamins. Vitamin C is especially useful because it improves the immune system, so you can be yourself to get rid of tonsillitis without antibiotics. No less important is calcium. This trace element restores the acid-base balance, as a result of the healing process is intense.

Treatment of tonsillitis can not be complete without purification tonsils from pathogens, so after a morning and evening oral hygiene gargle slabozheltym furatsilina solution or brine. Use of at least one liter of liquid. Followed by rinsing the mouth rassosite tablet streptotsida and within 30 minutes, do not use any kind of food and water, and try less swallowing. Use a rinse and a decoction of chamomile. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Drink it hot in small sips and use for inhalation.

The above means is sufficient to cure sore throat. But they must be used regularly for at least 2-3 weeks. To prevent tonsillitis in the future increase the body's energy potential: Tempered water, doing morning exercises, 3 times a week your muscles create more intense pressure to help disperse the blood and lymph systems. In addition, take a moderate sunbathing and continue to eat right.

Tags: throat pain, tonsillitis, fashion, cleaning, permanent, removal, treatment, amygdala, the reason