Causes of pain in the upper and lower eyelids

Causes of pain in the upper and lower eyelids
 Most of the information about the world people are prepared by the organs of sight, so it is important to take care of the health of the eye. The thin skin of the eyelids - practically the only eye protection from the external environment, any pain, redness of the eyelids or the appearance of puffiness they require special attention and timely consultation ophthalmologist.

Why hurt forever?

The simplest and innocuous reason that can hurt forever - eyestrain. In this case, the eyelids usually swell, eyes may start watering. Sometimes there is a feeling of "sand under the eyelids." Such a state passes quickly enough to stop the activity if requiring eye strain put on the eyelids cold lotions or special drip drop, reduces inflammation.

Another possible cause of pain - getting under the eyelid of a foreign body (sand grains, fallen eyelashes).

Other causes of pain in the eyelids are more serious, and to remove them must appeal to the ophthalmologist. Usually, in addition to pain, in these cases there are other symptoms: swelling of the eyelids, rash, expressed redness, itching, burning, or mucous possible pus. Such symptoms may indicate one of the following diseases:
- Barley, meybomit;
- Blepharitis;
- Furuncle, carbuncle;
- Abscess, cellulitis;
- Halyazion;
- Dacryocystitis;
- Demodicosis;
- Endophthalmitis;
- Herpes;
- Erysipelas.

Barley - frequent inflammation of the eyelash hair follicles or sebaceous glands. In this case, the swelling is usually located on the edge of the eyelid, as the disease becomes visible abscess, which will soon be opened independently. In some cases, opening the abscess requiring assistance surgeon. Meybomit, also known as "internal barley" - an inflammation of the meibomian glands located in the interior of the century. Meybomit causes more discomfort and pain than conventional barley.

Chronic inflammation of the meibomian gland known as halyazion, sometimes this disease occurs as a complication meybomita. Signs halyazion - maloboleznennoe or painless solid formation in the thickness of the century, most of the top, sometimes reaches a considerable size, and even distorting the eyelid.

Improper or late treatment of barley or meybomita leads to more serious consequences: Boils (purulent inflammation of hair follicles), carbuncle (in this case, the process involves not one hair follicle, and more), abscess or cellulitis. In these cases, not only hurt the eyelids - significantly worse overall temperature rises. Swelling of the eyelid may be significant, the abscess is usually clearly visible eyelid swells, thickens and changes shape, it is possible headache.

At the edge of blepharitis inflamed eyelids, along the lash line visible redness, itchy rash or peeling. Ulcers form of blepharitis is characterized by the appearance on the edge of the century yellowish crusts, which are exposed in the separation of small sores. If untreated, loss of eyelashes may or bloat inside. Wrong growing eyelashes injure eyes and cause severe pain.

Blepharitis is caused by infection, permanent mechanical irritation of eyes, often the disease is allergic or seborrheic nature.

Endophthalmitis - purulent inflammation of the inner shells of the eye. Eyelids while significantly swollen, the patient may temporarily lose some or all vision.

Dacryocystitis - inflammation of the lacrimal sac - occurs due to narrowing or blockage of the tear duct. From this disease often suffer newborns, but in the first weeks of life dacryocystitis often cured spontaneously. Dacryocystitis may not cause severe pain, but the patient suffers from constant tearing at the corners of the eyes or mucous accumulates often purulent discharge. Chronic dacryocystitis disease leads to the formation of solid structures requiring surgical intervention.

Herpes is most often causes the skin and mucosa century transparent fine bubbles, very painful and cause severe itching. The state of health may deteriorate, typical malaise and low-grade fever.

Itching and redness of the eyelids, the appearance of them yellowish purulent crusts can also be signs of demodectic mange - the disease caused by demodex. The parasite affects the sebaceous glands on the edges of the eyelids.

Erysipelas century is caused by bacteria. In this disease, red and swollen eyelids, their edges can be valikoobrazno raised. Often suffers from the general condition of the body, fever, chills appears.

How to avoid diseases century?

The best way to avoid the disease, which affects the eyelids - a careful personal hygiene. In this case, it is not just a regular washing - in any case, do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, use only a personal towel.

Causes of pain in the upper and lower eyelids

Women using decorative cosmetics, do not give ink or shadows on time, even the best friend, as well as to take someone else's makeup or probes in the store, which previously touched by other people.

Observe the shelf life of cosmetics, and in any case not to use them if the tool change consistency or acquired an unusual odor.

Those who wear contact lenses, it is recommended to more closely monitor their purity, do not touch the lens with unwashed hands and do not wear them during infectious diseases.

At the first symptoms of the disease is better not to rely on the "Verified" folk remedies or spontaneous recovery, and contact an ophthalmologist or dermatologist - this will stop the disease at an early stage.

Tags: pain, eyelid redness, disease, age, reason, feeling, swelling