Causes of bleeding during ovulation

Causes of bleeding during ovulation
 Spotting in the middle of the menstrual cycle in women often cause panic. Often such allocation shall take as a sign of a dangerous disease or implantation bleeding, indicating the occurrence of pregnancy. However, in most cases, the alarm is false - experts say spotting during ovulation are normal.

The reason for bleeding during ovulation

In the occurrence of bleeding mid-cycle fault rupture the walls of the dominant follicle. Ripened egg leaves the follicle capsule, tearing his wall and out into the abdominal cavity.

However, many women suffer from occurrence of pain in the abdomen usually localized on the one hand - it is the one located where the dominant follicle. Severe or prolonged pain require a visit to a doctor for examination and, if necessary, treatment assignment.

Implantation bleeding usually occurs later ovulation - for 7-8 days before the expected onset of menstruation.

Rupture of the follicle is accompanied by blood - during ovulation ovarian blood flow increases, microvessels burst. As a rule, the blood stands out a bit, it is often simply painted in pink or brownish color with normal ovulation or release looks like blood veins in the white of an egg.

During ovulation, estrogen levels in the female body increases dramatically. Sometimes the reason of the epithelium lining the inside of the uterus, may be torn away. It also causes spotting, much less abundant and prolonged than during menstruation.

And if it's dangerous?

Spotting during ovulation are not harmful to health and does not serve as a signal of any disease. Typically, the amount of small, less than the duration of two days. However, some signs are cause for doubt: it is important not to miss the beginning of the disease, its symptoms for taking the manifestation of natural processes for the body.

Pay particular attention should be taken to their own health, do not delay a visit to the gynecologist, if the appearance of blood when ovulation has occurred for the first time or while taking hormonal contraceptives.

Spotting in the middle of the cycle does not indicate ovulation, and about the disease, in the following cases:
- If the allocation so abundant that it is necessary to use tampons or pads;
- If the allocation of scant, but lasts longer than two days;
- If the appearance of blood accompanied by severe pain;
- If discharge accompanied by itching or unpleasant odor;
- If accompanied by a bloody discharge each ovulation for a long time.

All of these symptoms can be evidence of infection, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, disorders of ovarian function.

Tags: time, ovulation, isolation, cause direct