Benefits and harms of bearberry

Benefits and harms of bearberry
 Bearberry also called "bear eye" for a special form of leaves. This well-known medicinal plant widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Today bearberry is used in traditional medicine due to the effectiveness of healing properties.
 In the northern taiga this small shrub is literally spread along the ground and cover large areas. Plant stem is thin and soft, do not support the weight of the leaves. Toward the end of the stem slightly raised above the ground rosette of leaves, and stems of one bush a lot, and one bush to create something like a low soft pillows.

Bearberry is a part of the set of drugs. It contains a variety of antioxidants, glycosides. In addition, the "bear ears" are often used in cosmetics.

 Bearberry: health benefits

Leaves "bear ears" contain many nutrients:

- Arbutin;
- Tannin;
- Hydroquinone;
- Flavonoids;
- Gallic acid;
- Ursulovaya acid.

Arbutin has the property cause mild irritation and harmless inner shell of the kidneys, and then in the process of their secondary braking absorption of water and increase urine output. Thanks tannins bearberry can be used to treat diarrhea and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

A hydroquinone - very effective element of cosmetic products intended for skin whitening. It is due to hydroquinone decoctions of bearberry are recommended for the treatment of asthma or before the expedition to the mountains - hydroquinone is useful for improving the body with a deficiency of oxygen.

Artificial hydroquinone is forbidden to use because it is too strong substance, and natural - as part of bearberry - found in very small quantities and has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Flavonoids are able to destroy viruses and bacteria in the human body. Due to the content of several types of these substances, bearberry is used in anti-viral and microbial diseases. Gallic acid is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the appearance of signs of aging and the development of cancer. It fights free radicals in the body, thereby bearberry prevents wrinkles and improve skin appearance. Ursulovaya acid enhances the antibacterial effect of the plant.

In medicine used not only leaves but also flowers bearberry used for support of the children and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in adults.

Preparations of bearberry used in treating a wide range of diseases. For example, when dealing with cystitis, as bearberry is a diuretic, disinfectant and antibacterial properties. In the treatment of this disease using tinctures, decoctions and alcohol tinctures "bear's ear."

Considered to be the most effective alcohol tinctures and infusions bearberry water because when preparing leaves of the plant are not subjected to heat treatment and retain maximum nutrients.

Despite the effectiveness of the alcohol infusion, which also outperforms water infusions and decoctions for the duration of storage, apply it at an exacerbation of cystitis is not recommended. Infusions and decoctions are stored up to a couple of days, and alcohol infusion can be stored for months, so it is advisable to prepare the right amount of medication. And in times of severe manifestations of the disease consume broth or water infusion. In addition, you can use tea made from bearberry: of the nutrients will be lost as a result of thermal treatment of the leaves, but most of them will continue and contribute to a fairly rapid recovery.

Alcoholate adult should be three times a day for 10-15 drops, preferably after the meal. Tea can also drink three times a day for one cup. A decoction is taken orally three to five times a day for one tablespoon.

In the application of bearberry for treatment of diseases in children previously consult with a physician: drug dose depends on the weight and age of the child.

To prepare a decoction of the bearberry, you need to pour a glass of boiled water one tablespoon of ground dry leaves of the plant. Then you need to put the mixture in a water bath and heated for 30 minutes, then strain the broth and squeeze the moisture out of the steamed leaves. Then carefully added to the broth as boiled water to fill 250 ml beaker. Broth need to infuse for 50-60 minutes.

To prepare a water infusion of bearberry leaves, a tablespoon of dried leaves pour 200 ml of boiled water and insist in a warm place for about 12 hours, after which it was filtered and diluted with water so as to again obtain 250 ml infusion.

And to prepare an alcohol tincture should take two tablespoons of dried leaves of bearberry and 100 milliliters of ethyl alcohol sorokaprotsentnogo. The mixture is placed in a warm place for two weeks, and then filtered through cheesecloth.

Tea from bearberry can be prepared as follows. Two tablespoons of dried leaves meadows filled with three or four cups of water, the mixture is boiled for half an hour, and then ready for use.

Bearberry used in the treatment of inflammation of the urinary tract - the urethra. Medicating with "bear eye" usually gives a quick positive effect. After recovery, the use of prophylactic preparations with this plant will help to restore the function of the urinary tract.

Bearberry is also used in the fight against kidney disease - pielitah, pyelonephritis, pyelocystitis in the treatment of diarrhea, heartburn, colitis, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart failure and central nervous system disorders.

Benefits and harms of bearberry


Despite the abundance of useful properties and active substances, bearberry has its contraindications. Medicines containing this plant should not be used during pregnancy because bearberry has the ability to irritate the wall of the uterus, which can lead to premature birth and even miscarriage. Also, you can not use bearberry breastfeeding, as this may lead to a shortage of milk.

In acute forms of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract also can not eat this plant, so as not to cause more inflammation. Treat these diseases with drugs bearberry possible and necessary, but not in the period of exacerbation. In addition, should not be used for constipation bearberry (tannins strengthen the intestines and can aggravate the situation) and individual intolerance.

Tags: ear, use, damage property, bear, bearberry