Allergic to cat fur. Symptoms and Treatment

Allergic to cat fur. Symptoms and Treatment
 Many people can not get rid of the allergy to cats. It prevents communication with these lovely pets. But, fortunately, the disease is curable, you just pass a short course of treatment.

The most common type of allergy is considered allergic to pets. Cats are twice as likely to cause allergies than dogs. Most inhabitants believe that allergy causes hair, but it is not so. The allergy caused by proteins can be contained in the saliva and urine cats. And if your favorite sometimes goes for a walk on the street, it can bring to their other pathogens wool allergy: mold, feathers, dust, pollen.

Allergies can recognize the following features: a runny nose, watery eyes, coughing, wheezing, sneezing, shortness of breath. Symptoms may appear immediately after exposure to furry pets, and may appear in a few hours. When you see an allergy are encouraged to visit an allergist who will help determine the cause and prescribe proper treatment.

Basically allergy is treated by conventional methods. Patient receiving prescribed antihistamine drugs that block the causes of allergy symptoms. Rarely used a course of injections, although this treatment is not always effective, and sometimes drags on for a long time. Allergies can be complicated by swelling, in this case, are prescribed medications decongestants.

In general, allergists believe that the ideal way to deal with an allergy to cats - no contact with them. It is necessary to avoid contact with the animals as well as humans, in whom it is. If your house has a cat or a cat, then, alas, have to give it to others in good hands.

If you can not, for whatever reasons, to give a pet to other people, then you need to follow a few fixed rules.
1) The maximum limit contact with a cat. Must care for her other family members.
2) Make it so that the pet can not go in the room where you spend time most often. Its presence is particularly undesirable in the bedroom.
3) often hold spring cleaning, which should be done very carefully to destroy all wool, abandoned pet.
4) Replace carpets with a large pile on the other.
5) Set in the house air purifiers and air conditioning system. In the event that it is inappropriate for this, often simply ventilated area.
6) The cat should always be clean, so your home will need to bathe her often. It will be useful to comb the cat a special brush, it will help reduce the amount of hair that can fall and remain lying, causing you allergy.

Tags: wool, cat allergies, pet medication, symptom, Allergy