Why swollen breasts

Why swollen breasts
 Since this phenomenon is most often women experience before menstruation. This is due to the hormonal changes that occur during this period in the body. In addition, increased breast tenderness may sometimes occur due to stress, certain medications, tumor formation. In any case, this process can not be ignored.
 After the menstrual cycle finally established, breast swelling usually occurs only in a certain time period (if no hormonal problems). However, with the appearance of persistent pain is better to consult a mammologu - professionals involved in these issues.

Swelling of the breast may also occur as a result of pregnancy. In this period there is increased production of hormones that are responsible for the growth of breast cancer. Special discomfort felt in the first trimester and the first postpartum days. However, after weaning all passes. If there are dark discharge from the nipple or pain with seals - be sure to consult with a specialist.

Fluid retention in the breast it can also cause swelling. The reasons for this phenomenon may make hormonal changes, lifestyle and nutrition. Fluid retention leads overreliance on coffee, fatty and salty foods, lack of exercise.

Pay attention to the bra that you wear. This item of laundry can lead to stagnation and disruption of blood circulation. This happens if the thing does not fit your size, contains coarse bones or sticks into the body of the insert. The underwear should be loose enough not to cause the feeling of tightness.

Taking any drugs can cause swelling of the breast. If you found this link - consult your doctor. Perhaps he will prescribe diuretics to rid the body of excess fluid.

The use of hormonal contraceptives may also provoke a similar phenomenon. Consult your gynecologist about changing tablets.

The appearance of swelling can indicate mastitis - benign tumors in the mammary glands. They usually are not dangerous to life, but to control their growth and to conduct timely treatment under the supervision of a specialist is necessary.

Sometimes swelling speaks of this terrible disease like breast cancer. In this case, along with swelling often observed various types of seals, the distortion of the normal shape of the breast (depressions, bumps), bloody discharge from the nipple. In identifying these symptoms need to apply as early as possible to mammologu.

Tags: chest gland, mammary, cause swelling