Medicinal properties of aspen

 ... Aspen tree, very common in Russia, a very peculiar and fanned by some mysterious, even sinister halo. How much do we know about her? Well, of course, everyone has heard that aspen leaves somehow constantly trembling aspen stake that has some mystical properties, and that the tree on which hung, unable to endure the painful remorse, Judas Iscariot, was also a wasp. But that Aspen has many medicinal properties that have a truly miraculous effect on the human body, they know not all. That's what these therapeutic properties of aspen and says today our women's magazine JustLady.

People living surrounded by aspen forests have long noticed this, at first glance, a rather strange fact: there is an old aspen fall, as it immediately pounce mouse, hares, deer, elk and other forest lovers poglodat bark. Pounce and eat aspen bark to the last gram, despite the fact that he is very bitter. But the cortex, for example, oak or linden, much more pleasant to the taste, for some reason they do not touch. This puzzle is solved quite simply: aspen bark contains many nutrients that are so necessary forest animals in their difficult existence. Of course, these substances can have a positive impact on human health.

Contains such components not only in the bark, but also in its leaves and its kidney. Their structure includes essential oils, ascorbic acid, protein, carotene, glycosides, fiber, and various trace elements.Medicinal properties of aspen contributed to the fact that because of its crust were obtained first aspirin and antibiotics first. Obliged aspen their existence and magical cure for all ills, propolis produced by bees in the processing of adhesive collected from aspen buds.

The fact that aspen is able to cure from many even very serious diseases, knew even our ancestors. They are made from different parts of the tree all sorts of drugs, made of aspen benches and beds for sick people and even hung clothes these patients on a branch of aspen in the hope that the tree will pull out of it "illness." Perhaps this was a grain of truth, because, according to the esoteric, aspen able to take away the negative energy of the human aura, eliminating him thus from boredom and depression. Parapsychology fans believe that to gain inner balance and psychological well enough for a few minutes leaning against a tree, and depressing thought, and with them, and longing, evaporate, as if they had never existed.

One way or another, but amazingly diverse and very powerfulhealing properties of aspen remain beyond doubt. Almost all of the elements of the tree when they are capable of processing an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diuretic, diaphoretic, antipyretic effects on the human body. Infusions and decoctions kidney aspen used in diseases of the joints, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, the kidneys of these ointments reduces pain in joints and successfully heal wounds. Decoctions from the bark of the tree improves the digestive system and are used to treat gastritis, hepatitis, diabetes. And the leaves of this extraordinary tree help to get rid of warts and lishaёv and improve the condition of people suffering from rheumatism and gout.

Medicinal properties of aspen has long been used in folk medicine. Bark and buds of the tree for medicinal purposes are collected in early spring, and the leaves - in May, early June. All this is well dried, and then, if necessary, is used in the form of tinctures, decoctions and ointments. Decoctions and infusions kidney bark and leaves with branches drink for colds, inflammation of the bladder, gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids. A crushed into powder aspen buds, mixed with vegetable oil, a wonderful treat burns and wounds and deduce warts and blisters.
Very well helps aspen bark decoction with all sorts of intestinal disorders, gout and coughing. Compresses carefully rastёrtymi leaf perfectly relieve joint pain and bring substantial relief to people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Very useful for pain in the joints and ointments from rastёrtyh kidney aspen, mixed with vegetable oil. In diabetes drink a decoction of the bark of a tree milled, while hemorrhoids its leaves is applied to hemorrhoids.

Of course, modern medicine could not ignore thesehealing properties of aspen and took them into his arms. Pharmaceutical industry today produces many products, which include aspen leaves, buds, bark. These medications are used to treat malaria, smallpox, tuberculosis, pneumonia, dysentery, cystitis, nephritis, rheumatism and other ailments. Preparations of aspen treated liver, spleen, kidneys, joints, and mucous membranes. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and have a general improvement of the whole organism. In short, tinctures, decoctions and ointments of the elements of this extraordinary tree can fight enemies with a mass of human health.

Here it is what our aspen. Trees able to heal mental and physical wounds and even, in the opinion of our ancestors, protects from damage and the evil eye. Who knows, maybe, and drives away evil spirits aspen, protecting those who touches her and who wears bracelets and rings made of aspen, as talismans. It is likely that we know is not all about the miraculous properties of this unique tree, and eventually she was still surprised people with his natural abilities.

Well, as long female site JustLady advises its readers - get your free time, select the forest, look out there and hug her Osinka stronger. It will calm the rebellious soul, give new strength and helps to have faith in themselves and the world.

Kocheva Olga / Women's Magazine JustLady

Tags: kidney, diabetes, bracelet, use, property, treatment, medicine, bark