Lumbar degenerative disc disease: Symptoms and Treatment

Lumbar degenerative disc disease: Symptoms and Treatment
 One of the most common causes of back pain is low back pain. Depending on the location of pain suggests the cervical, thoracic osteochondrosis, as well as isolated lumbar osteochondrosis or osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Women's magazine JustLady drew attention to the problem of lumbar degenerative disc disease, because it often faced by people of all ages. That's why we offer to find out what are the main symptoms of lumbar degenerative disc disease and how to treat lumbar osteochondrosis.

Can not say thatosteochondrosis of the lumbar spine - Is the result of a particular way of life. Lumbar degenerative disc disease,symptoms which may be more or less pronounced, as occurs in people who do heavy physical work, and those who earn money own mind, and therefore almost always located in the same position. And all because of lumbar osteochondrosis, for that matter, and other forms of degenerative disc disease, occurs when the load on the intervertebral discs, which increases markedly as in a long stay in one position, and the sudden weight lifting.

Before you decide to orderhow to treat lumbar osteochondrosisOffer to understand which symptoms are most often accompany this disease.

Lumbar degenerative disc disease: symptoms

The most characteristic symptoms of lumbar degenerative disc disease - back pain. In this case, the pain may be very different in nature. There are as shooting pains that accompany osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine and aching, cutting, burning. Moreover, the pain may be accompanied by a feeling of pins and needles or numbness.

Pain accompanyinglumbar osteochondrosis, Are often radiates (felt not only in the immediate location of degenerative disc disease). Depending on where the pain is felt, are divided into three types: lumbago, lyumboishias sciatica. In the first case observed only in the lower back pain, pain in the second affects the lower back and buttocks or extremities, and in the third case (sciatica) people complain mostly about pain in the limbs.

Symptoms of lumbar degenerative disc disease usually occur on the background of hypothermia, weight lifting, sudden movements, prolonged stay in one position. These factors provoke and exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, people who know firsthand what osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, do not recommend wearing gravity and is not in the draft, in a cold room.

Increased pain occurs when bending, walking, coughing. With this in mind, people feel the symptoms of lumbar degenerative disc disease, inadvertently restrict movement that may lead to changes in posture and muscle to fainting.

Women's magazine JustLady recommends for an accurate diagnosis to see a doctor. Specialists who are able to make a correct analysis and prescribe adequate treatment in this case are neurologists or vertebrologists. We offer only learn the basic techniquestreatment of lumbar degenerative disc diseaseThat are used today.

Lumbar degenerative disc disease: treatment

If the basic regimen lumbar degenerative disc disease is imperative to coordinate with the doctor, the precautions to avoid exacerbation of the disease, each of us can be used alone.

Sinceosteochondrosis of the lumbar spine characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation, need to eliminate all factors that can cause aggravation of the disease and, accordingly, give rise to pain. As mentioned above, such factors include hypothermia, weight lifting, sudden movements. Also, you need to work on except factors such as long-term stay in one position. Do not be lazy more often to get up from the table, if you work at a computer. So you not only prevent the aggravation of lumbar degenerative disc disease, but also bring benefits throughout the body.

Treatment of lumbar degenerative disc disease should also include the selection of mattresses and pillows, ensuring correct body position during sleep.

Good results give massages, all kinds of therapeutic baths, stretching and other methods. These treatments should be carried out only by specialists. And on the question of how to treat lumbar osteochondrosis, almost all physicians respond that a huge role in the prevention and treatment of this disease plays gymnastics in osteochondrosis.

It is not an ordinary gym, which can even be harmful, and that it is necessary to carry out specialexercises with lumbar osteochondrosisBeing developed in conjunction with physical therapy physician.

Depending on what kind of period of lumbar degenerative disc disease in question (acute, subacute, or remission) vary considerably as do the exercises with lumbar osteochondrosis and their intensity. But in any case, gymnastics in osteochondrosis executed at a slow pace, in addition, it is in any case should not cause pain. If some exercises with lumbar osteochondrosis, included in the set of exercises, bring the pain, it is necessary to reduce the range of motion or completely exclude such an exercise.

The main objective pursuedgymnastics in osteochondrosis - Strengthening of the muscular system, as it developed muscles can reduce the load on the intervertebral discs and, consequently, reduce the appearance of lumbar degenerative disc disease or prevent the occurrence of osteochondrosis in general.

Inna Dmitrieva

Tags: osteochondrosis, department, treatment, symptom