How to withdraw nicotine from the body

How to withdraw nicotine from the body
 After a person stops smoking, his body for some time are the decay products and poisons - physiological cleansing lasts about six months. Accelerate the excretion of nicotine and restore cellular structure as soon as possible, a set of measures will help.
 Increase your intake of foods containing natural antioxidants that help to speed up the metabolism and cleanse the body. It's fresh fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins - eat them raw, cook them in juices (without heat treatment), be careful that they were part of the daily diet.

To neutralize the effect of poisons in the body, increase your intake of dairy products - drink more milk, eat yogurt, add in the sour cream dishes and salads, make tvorzhno-fruit desserts. Diversify the diet at the expense of only dairy products is quite real, so pick the ones that you are most popular, and eat them as often as possible.

Organisms that have deprived of regular nicotine will experience stress, its defenses are exhausted. Therefore, support yourself taking a multivitamin complexes and cleansing supplements - your task is to quickly clear the tissues and organs from toxic substances. Try to drink plenty of pure water - it helps the removal of waste substances.

Anything that improves metabolic processes in the body, help you cope with nicotine intoxication - always go in for sports. During training you enrich tissues and cells with oxygen, which stimulates blood circulation and improves the mucous expectoration of phlegm from the bronchial tubes. You useful exercise, increase lung capacity - swimming, running, yoga. Together with phlegm from the body are derived decomposition products of nicotine. Sauna or bath completes the cleansing process - through the pores along with then leave toxins. If you add a bit of pine oil in an aqueous solution, which made showering stones in the steam room, the health benefits will increase.

If you have smoked for many years and have additional health problems in the form of vascular injury, cardiac arrhythmias and other unpleasant states, consult an experienced narcologists. Specialist relieve symptoms of intoxication and develop an individual program to cleanse the body, if necessary, adding a blocking drugs nicotinic receptors.

Tags: body, nicotine, lung