To make better use of nasal lavage solution furatsilina pharmacy. However, in the absence of the beneficial agent may be prepared independently. Furatsilin very poorly soluble in water, so you should pre-crushed to a powder tablet. Fill the resulting powder in hot boiled water (100 ml) and wait about an hour before you proceed directly to the procedure. During this time, the tablet should be completely dissolved in the water, but still better to drain a ready solution before use.
Blow your nose before washing is best to not let the mucus penetration of the solution deep into the nose. During the procedure, looking forward, not throwing back his head and turning it sideways. Otherwise, the liquid may enter the Eustachian tube. As a rule, this leads to inflammation of the middle ear. This complication occurs most often it is due to incorrect washing of the nose.
Type in a 5 ml syringe furatsilinovoy solution. Press the piston so that pressurized fluid hit the nasal passage. Repeat the procedure, but with the other nostril. It is desirable to perform nasal lavage over the sink, as excess fluid will inevitably follow. After the procedure, blew his nose again.
For the treatment of rhinitis by nasal lavage furatsilinom need 2-4 days, each of which will need to spend 5-6 procedures. Sinusitis and sinusitis treated longer - 7-10 days.