How to treat post-surgical sutures

How to treat post-surgical sutures
 Sutures need to handle up to 2 weeks after surgery, and in some cases a little longer. All depends on the process of tissue regeneration. How to handle the seam should explain in detail the doctor. If for some reason he did not do, do not panic, it's very easy and simple.
 After discharge, go to the pharmacy for hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, rubbing alcohol and cotton buds. In some cases, a special adhesive tape which is used for fixing the postoperative suture. He is stuck only on fresh stitches. But as discharged from the hospital when scar tissue starts, the patch can not acquire.

Twice daily treatment produce a seam. First, moisten it with hydrogen peroxide, wait until it is no longer "fizzle." Then soak peroxide sterile bandage. With a cotton swab, apply directly to Zelenka seam. Specific pain you feel may be only a slight burning sensation that will pass quickly.

If the place seam inflamed, then slightly prizhgite diluted by 40% rubbing alcohol. Wipe the entire seam is impossible, as the skin will be very dry, which will slow down the process of tissue regeneration. If you can not stop the inflammatory process, be sure to visit the surgeon and consult on this issue.

It is worth noting that the process can not seam iodine. Zelenka can replace fukortsinom, but wash it after all healed, it will be very difficult. Also, do not remove the scab or remove a whitish plaque - it is the structure of a new layer of the epithelium. If it is damaged, then the in-depth and even cosmetic seam will be marked for life.

After 7 days, you will draw the thread from the seam, in some cases make it 10 or 14 days. It depends on the type of seam and type of surgery. Usually by this time the tissue is completely restored, so be further processed does not make sense. Is that after the removal of the joint rub the skin with a weak solution of alcohol for about 2 days, because the puncture site can begin the inflammatory process.

Tags: seam