How to treat hyperthyroidism

How to treat hyperthyroidism
 The treatment of any disease of the thyroid gland should only endocrinologist. Self-treatment of hyperthyroidism, and especially the use of "folk remedies" unacceptable. Doctors now use three methods in the treatment of hyperthyroidism: Surgery - removal of the affected part of the gland during surgery, conservative - the use of special pharmacological agents, and radiation - radioactive iodine treatment.
 General methods
Despite the fact that the treatment of hyperthyroidism folk remedies doctors are not welcome, there are non-drug methods of improving the health of patients with this disease. First of all, it is a diet that excludes entry into the body of alcohol and other toxins. In addition, consumption of meat products is limited. The rest of the diet should be complete.

A positive effect on the disease stays in sanatoria and rehabilitation centers. Physicians are advised to visit such centers at least 1 time in 8-10 months. In sanatoria significantly reduced the impact of stressful situations of everyday life, which plays a major role in the development of hyperthyroidism.

Conservative treatment of hyperthyroidism
Drug treatment is aimed at reducing the production of hormones cancer. For this purpose, use antithyroid preparations advantageously thiouracil. The effectiveness of this treatment in the short term is quite high, but stable remission occurs in only a third of patients.

Drugs administered initially at higher doses - tireostatika 100 mg per day. Euthyroid state - normal levels of hormones - after about 5 weeks. Thereafter, the treatment of hyperthyroidism continue with the same medications, but in maintenance doses - up to 10 mg per day.

Surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism
To assign the operation, there are strict indications. These primarily relate to the presence and proliferation of prostate assembly of any portion of the gland. The size of the thyroid gland is determined by the severity of the crop. At the third stage of the crop, that is, when it is visible and palpable, appointed by operation. In addition, the operation is prescribed for hyperthyroidism relapse after a course of conservative therapy, or intolerance to these drugs.

Most often, surgical treatment is carried out according to the method of hyperthyroidism Nikolaev. Remove most of the gland, leaving the land of no more than 3 ml. However, to carry out the operation at elevated hormone levels can not, so they compensate for the excess of the pre.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism with iodine
Radioiodine distributed in Russia is much less than in Europe. However, some clinics use this expensive method. He concludes that the patient takes the capsule with radioactive iodine, which accumulates in the cells of the thyroid gland, damaging them.

Thus, the thyroid gland is actually stops producing hormones, lack of which is compensated by their replacement therapy. The effectiveness of this method reaches 90%, and the quality of life of the need for lifelong hormone administration decreases slightly.

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