How to treat barley?

How to treat barley?
 No, well here is the same as the evening went to bed, was full of energy and hope, believe that tomorrow changing world will sag under us, but the opposite happened. In the morning, went to the mirror, and his left eye is like a pillow for needles and pins someone stumbles night already and now everything hurts and itches with terrible force ... it appears, as the doctors say, as a result of acute inflammation of the eyelash hair follicles. Why is this happening to science not known for certain. In general, here it is - stye and what to do with it is unclear. But female site JustLady not in vain in online mode works and always knows why there stye and what causes it.

Let's start from the beginning. With reasons. They are not very much:

1. Compromised immunity
2. Diseases of the digestive tract
3. M ... how shall I say, a violation of hygiene - and there is nothing in the eyes of dirty fingers to shove, my mother as a child did not warn what?
4. Too many want out of life and helluva lot of envy to others .. It actually has biblical covenants - not covet, not to develop, anger, and so on ...
5. jinx

On the first point is clear - to prevent all attempts to re-emergence, it is necessary to walk more and eat fruits and vegetables. The second paragraph, too, I think is not a problem to go to therapists for examination, only need to write out a direction to make the analysis of blood sugar - oftenstye appears at the first sign of diabetes. On the third reason, quite simply ridiculous deal: hands in the eyes do not climb, always keep finishing handkerchiefs or disposable wipes and everything will be okay. Over the last items I can say that they are very uncertain, but it may have a place to be. It is known that there is a category of grandmothers that one can spit this stuff with her eyes removed. Another category of grandmothers, something prisheptyvaya and saying, strives figushki poke in the eye, but also helps. I for my trouble, no such grandmother on the road is not met.

From my own experience in combating this scourge, I can say that with barley fight not so easy. If you go by official medicine, it is possible you will open the barley. But this is a last resort. And it is traditionally treated by cauterization boric alcohol and laying the antibiotic ointments for the eyelid overnight. Some experts advise to burn brilliant green - ostensibly per night green spot will disappear and everything will be okay. I honestly do not risk: not only did bump sticks, so if it is going green! No really, thank you! Ointment helps a little barley and goes somewhere next week. For the record - a week later he himself disappears. It's like a joke: if treated, it will hurt the entire seven days, and if not - then a whole week!

Well help warm. Checked. Especially when combined with some folk remedy. For example, baked onions. Take a bow, clean it from the husk and put in the oven for 30 minutes, bake, take out. Separates one flake, put in cheesecloth and apply to the affected area, hold until cool. This tool is also suitable for those who have just begun barley and those who have already matured. Hard-boiled egg - all ideal warm-up. It can also help and warming up on household devices with infrared light.

If one bulb not, you can use warm lotion. They are prepared very simply. Black tea or chamomile flowers at the rate of 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Infuse for five minutes. Moisten cotton balls or wheels put on the eye and wait until cool. This procedure can be repeated several times.

Stye implies thattreatment will be delicate. And it should be considered. Barley squeeze at home in any case impossible. To he "discovered" Use the following method. Tablespoon of boric alcohol boiled water, cool until warm to the eye and washed as often as possible. Just perfectly pulls pus and honey - just smeared the affected area for 2-3 hours. The following recipe: in a drugstore to buy eyebright. 3 teaspoons pour boiling water, infuse for 2 hours and washed constantly, so it is possible to impose a lotion of infusion. Important! Infusion should be warm. For "breaking through" and use a poultice of yogurt - yogurt in cheesecloth and put impose on the affected eyelid.

Treatment of barley inside also welcome. If the barley concerned often necessary after consultation with the doctor drink a course of antibiotics. Just help and herbs. 3-4 tansy flower chew and swallow, drinking cold water up to 4 times a day. Herbalists claim that if you take tansy three or four days, the barley will no longer be bothered once. Also helps the broth and bay leaves 5 leaves pour a quarter cup of boiling water, and drink.

Here are a few non-scientific methods - can someone come in handy. At the stage of redness and itching, it is necessary to look into the bottleneck bad eye and say, "Bottle, bottle! And where is your bottom? ". Some advise to hold it hurts gold ring. In the opinion of some, and helps finger dipped in "starving" the saliva in the early morning and lubricate barley. On the hand, not symmetrical painful eye, undergirding the middle and index finger cotton thread tied with a triple layer of eight. Gnaw tail and buried in a flower pot. In the eyes drip chloramphenicol 0, 25% a couple of drops. By morning, everything goes. Just advise and put a piece of chewed black bread at night.

Optionstreatment of barley weight - you can always pick up a what suits you personally. Personally, my barley held after heating egg and lotions from black tea. Women's Site JustLady wish you good health and never know what kind of attack -stye.

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: barley