How to stop a dry cough

How to stop a dry cough
 Dry, exhausting cough is accompanied by certain diseases of the upper respiratory tract - it interferes with sleep, work and relax properly. To stop attacks of coughing, it is necessary to find out its causes, and then try to get rid of it by means of taking medication or folk ways.  
 To facilitate the attacks of dry cough, you need to provide increased air humidity. Dry air causes stagnation of mucus, difficult expectoration and contributes to the further spread of bacteria. For humidification use special devices or use the old-fashioned way: hang wet towels on a central heating, put on the floor with a wet basins with water. Make sure that the temperature of the air in the room was not higher than 21oC, regularly ventilate the room.

Very good effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract moist inhalation. You can purchase an inhaler and breathe vapor with essential oils. Instead, you can use the inhaler normal pan. Pour water, bring it to a boil, throw a little dried chamomile flowers, linden, St. John's wort, add a drop of essential oil of eucalyptus and breathe healing steam. Top should be covered with a towel or terry sheets and pairs to shine directly into the light, make a paper funnel and breathe through it.

Preparation of various medicines will help ease expectoration, diluting mucus, relieve spasms. When dry cough is recommended to drink warm milk with the addition of butter or soda. Also useful for a drink - warm the milk, add a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of onion juice. Infusion figs (figs crushed boil in a glass of water for several minutes), mixed with fresh lemon juice and take a teaspoon after eating. Onion Medicine - large onion finely chop, pour two tablespoons of sugar, leave to infuse overnight. The next day, you will need to eat onions and drink the resulting juice.

To stop the cough, you need to take the following medication at bedtime - Prepare a mixture of radish juice with honey and take a teaspoon shortly before bedtime. Radish can rub and squeeze out the juice, you can do the whole root crops hole and pour the honey. During the night coughing helpful to drink a few sips of warm milk to which is added a pinch of baking soda. You can make a hot foot bath in the evening (if no temperature).

Tags: cough, dry, treatment