How to increase the white blood cell count

How to increase the white blood cell count
 Many people from a school program introduces the role of white blood cells in the body, which, like the guards, to protect it from all sorts of infections. Decrease in white blood cell count makes people vulnerable and prone to various diseases.
 In general fall in the rate of white blood cells in the blood of people who have suffered serious infections or cancers and taking serious drugs to treat them. Therefore, consultation with a specialist in such cases is a must. The doctor advises proper nutrition, subject to which the body compensate for a deficiency of white blood cells.

Leukopenia patients is recommended to reduce the consumption of meat, animal fat, and liver. Particularly noteworthy are the berries, fruits, herbs, vegetables - sources of natural vitamins. Among the vegetables should be allocated beets as a necessary product in oncology and its prevention. It is useful as a raw and cooked, as well as to defend in the refrigerator for about two hours beet juice. Good result gives qualitative drinking red wine, enough 50 grams per day. You can try to enter into the diet of salmon and caviar. But the most useful product is considered caviar, its role in the rapid shortfall of leukocytes recognized even by official medicine.

Traditional medicine offers the means to increase the number of leukocytes in the blood. The crude oats pour hot water (2 cups water 2 tablespoons of beans), boiled for 15 minutes and 12 hours of pushing. Take 3 times a day for half a spoon (dining room) before eating. Recommended every day to do a fresh broth.

Can be used to prepare a decoction of barley. Half cup of beans, filled with two liters of water, boil, boil until half the liquid.

Good facilities considered infusion clover, chicory tea extract, rhodiola rosea, drugs plantain, royal jelly, sprouts lentils. The effect of using these means in all people develop differently. All you need to try and find the most effective drug.

On a critical decrease in white blood cell count, when no power is correctly matched or folk remedies do not help, the doctor prescribes special pharmaceuticals, such as "pentoksil", "leucogen", "Methyluracil." In severe leukopenia, especially observed in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, used "Leykomaks", "filgrastim", "Penograstim." These funds shall be taken only under the supervision of a specialist.

Tags: blood quantity, level, treatment of leukocyte, leukopenia