How to cure ringing in my head

How to cure ringing in my head
 Ringing and unpleasant sensations in the head is not a symptom of a single disease. This symptom may occur in diseases of the cardiovascular system, be a manifestation of the pathology of the nervous system, appear in lesions of the musculoskeletal system, as well as debilitating conditions neuro-psychiatric (depression).
 The treatment of this symptom should start by finding out the exact causes of this symptom - a doctor's advice, laboratory and instrumental examination and establishing an accurate diagnosis. Only in this case the treatment will be effective and ringing in my head will be able to eliminate or significantly reduce.

Most often, ringing in the head appears in the pathology of the circulatory system and hematopoiesis. Most patients report the appearance of noise and ringing in the ears is increased or decreased blood pressure - the narrowing of a blood vessel or its excessive expansion in the bloodstream form eddy currents, which are the cause of this symptom.

The rising or falling hemoglobin levels to be materially different from the norm, the occurrence of noise can be explained by changes in viscosity and flow of blood. Therefore, for the normalization of the patient is required to eliminate the cause - to normalize blood pressure and treat metabolic abnormalities in the vessel wall (treatment of atherosclerosis). In case of violation of hematopoiesis is required to treat the underlying disease - the stabilization of hemoglobin levels ringing disappear.

In the pathology of the nervous system - neuritis, and polyneuropathy to eliminate ringing need to cure the cause of neuritis of the auditory nerve and do consistent treatment of inflammatory diseases of the middle and inner ear, which are the primary cause of neuritis. But the complexity of the treatment in this case due to the fact that between the onset and occurrence of tinnitus takes quite a lot of time and develop pronounced changes.

With the defeat of the musculoskeletal system cause of the noise becomes osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, which makes it difficult to blood flow in the arteries that feed the back part of the brain and the organs of hearing. Less frequently ringing triggered by inflammation of the muscles and fascia of the neck, but the treatment and in fact, and in another case should be sent to restore joint mobility of the spine and blood circulation in the tissues of the neck and head.

Very rare occurrence of the noise in my head becomes a manifestation of depression or general background of low mood, but the treatment of such patients should be engaged in a qualified psychiatrist.

Tags: the reason