Greasy hair: Causes and Treatment

Greasy hair: Causes and Treatment
 Unhealthy hair shine may appear soon after shampooing, and the whole thing in increased production of sebum, the activity of which for some reason is disturbed and secrete too much sebum, give your hair shiny and well-groomed appearance. But these unpleasant sensations quite possible to forget, if find and correct the cause of oily hair.

Greasy hair and their causes

The main reason for greasy hair in malnutrition, vitamin deficiency and chronic dehydration, which modulate the activity of the nervous, endocrine and many other systems, as well as metabolism, breaking their functionality and appearing out problems with skin, hair and nails, ie . stratum corneum. These defects lead to excessive activity of the sebaceous glands that give the hair greasy look. Important reason for oily hair is improper care and cosmetic products are not appropriate to the type of hair.

Treatment for oily hair

Treatment of oily hair requires a comprehensive internal and external approach. The first step is to saturate the body with moisture (daily intake of water should be at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight) to adjust the diet, in which most of the food should be milk plant, and raw fruit and vegetable. Essential ingredient of the daily menu should be grains - cereals, brown bread. They are a source of B vitamins, necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system, blood, hair and skin health. Should be excluded from the diet of fatty and fried, smoked, salted, sweet foods, animal fats to replace the plant.

To restore the activity of the glands and the chemical composition of sebum useful to periodically take vitamin complexes. They make up for the deficit of necessary substances and well maintained body. Necessary for hair are vitamins A, E, C, and minerals - sulfur, zinc, iron, calcium, silicon, etc..

Great importance in the production of the sebaceous glands plays hair care. For oily hair shampoo is necessary to choose the right. Better to prefer herbal shampoo. For oily hair should carefully use the balm and apply it close to the roots. Wash your hair with warm water better, and rinse with cool. Rinsing can use cool herbal infusions (chamomile, yarrow, mint). They are perfectly narrow pores, moderately dry the scalp and reduce the activity of sebaceous glands.

It is worth noting that frequent washing of hair contributes to increased formation of sebum, so it is possible to sustain a better time to wash your hair and not more than twice a week.

With increased fat content is important to dry your hair after washing. In order not to provoke the activity of glands, it is better to use a hairdryer in the far distance from the hair or select cold air.

Normally, the body's cells saturation water, vitamins and minerals, as well as proper hair care enough to gradually restore the nervous, endocrine system, metabolism, and function of the sebaceous glands.

Tags: hair iron, diet, care, work, medical treatment, the reason