Funds from sunburn - what to choose?

Funds from sunburn - what to choose?
 French joke that the best way to protect yourself from sunburn - sunbathing under the sun. But what if, be tempted to get a perfect bronze tan, you have gone too far with a residence time in the sun and was seriously burned? Of course, you can let things take their course and wait for the body to cope with the consequences of your carelessness, but better - to help themselves using traditional remedies for sunburn. On this page JustLady women's magazine, you'll learn what tools relieve pain and restore sunlight scarred skin.

So, if after sunbathing your skin itches and itches, and any touching it causes pain - you got a sunburn and can use any pharmacy or folk remedies for pain relief and healing of damaged skin.

Get rid of the pain will painkiller, such as Tylenol or ibuprofen. Tylenol take 2 tablets with a break at four o'clock, and three pieces ibuprofen every 8 hours. But some tablets enough, burnt the place needs to be treated as a burn - a violation of the skin and the faster you regenerate tissue, the better.

Of pharmacy resources designed to heal the skin, proved to be excellentPanthenol. This drug is used not only for solar, but also for other thermal burns, putting it on the affected area. Panthenol can be used by adults and children that makes itremedy for sunburn very popular. Equally known cream "Girudobalzam", which is necessary for best effect applied at least 5 times per day. Cream relieves pain and helps the skin to heal faster.

Funds from sunburn - what to choose?

If you do not have near the pharmacy, and soreness of the skin burnt by the sun do not give you sleep, trya folk remedy for sunburn - Juice of fresh leaves of aloe. The juice was diluted with water in a ratio of one to one hour and lubricate the skin with the composition every 10 minutes. Such therapeutic blockade of aloe juice relieves pain, cools and regenerates your skin. A similar effect to that of raw potatoes, which rub and squeeze the juice, put on the damaged areas. This procedure helps many fans of fire in the sun avoid blisters. But, nevertheless, folk remedies efficiency inferiorPanthenol, Girudobalzamu and other medicines created to eliminate the effects of sunburn.

If the hand was not a folk or medical devices that can alleviate your condition, a women's magazine JustLady advises applying a burn cold damp cloth.

Some people believe that if you do not touch the burnt place and do not applyointment against sunburn, The skin heals faster. That's not it. Do not use drugs and limit cooling of the skin is possible only at low burn, which is characterized by a slight reddening of the skin.

Funds from sunburn - what to choose?

With second-degree burns, redness one will not do - get ready for blisters that will itch and itch. Try to restrain the desire to comb blisters or "wash away" from the back of their wool. Burn blisters under the skin very sensitive and such methods of use will not do, rather the contrary. Continue to process burnsPanthenol or use Alazolom or Liniment BHT - this ointment, perfectly helps with serious burns. If you are badly burned and feel that you could not breathe - consult your doctor - do not joke with edema, and deal with them is possible only with professional help.

In most cases, together with the fans burn hot sun and heat exhaustion is obtained, which is expressed in general lethargy, nausea and dizziness. If you burn with the notice at the signs of heat stroke more drink, do not go out in the sun and relax. Allow to rest his tired and burn the skin. While she was not healed, and for some time after, the women's magazine JustLady recommends wearing loose, does not restrict movement clothes made of natural fabrics that do not irritate once again the already painful place. And to ensure that your body quickly deal with the consequences of your careless exposure to the sun, providing it with a sufficient amount of vitamins E and C. These vitamins are able to bind free radicals, thus helping repair damaged cells. They also possess prominent anti-inflammatory action, at which you just need sunburn. We hope that the tips of the female JustLady site will help to minimize the discomfort ofsunburnAnd again briefly enumerate what you will, if you burned:

1.Snachala cool the skin. Suitable cold shower, application of ice or yogurt, which before the inventionPanthenol our grandmothers were treated for sunburn.
2. Prepare the skin by any means from burns: Panthenol, Alazol, Liniment BHT, aloe juice, raw potatoes
3. Take a painkiller.
4. In the event that severe burns and swelling appeared - see your doctor
5. Wear loose clothes as long as the skin heals
5. Take your vitamins E and C.
And most importantly - take the right lessons from such troubles as sunburn.

Funds from sunburn - what to choose?

Tatiana Osipova
women's magazine JustLady

Tags: burn, Ambassador, proportion, blister, panthenol