Yellow plaque on the teeth. How to get rid of it?

Yellow plaque on the teeth. How to get rid of it?
 White smile, fought all on the spot - the dream of many of us. So you want to charm surrounding its magnificent dazzling teeth! But, alas, this dream is coming true is not always. Most people have yellow teeth from nature, and to make them white sand, need some special techniques often require quite a decent cost. Of course, there are many situations where the teeth turn yellow over time because some habits or age. In such cases, you can whiten them without any special and time and material costs. On why the teeth are yellow and about how to remove this yellow, tells his readers female online magazine JustLady.

Yellow plaque on the teeth. Methods for removing

There is a fairly widespread belief thatyellow plaque on the teeth evidence of their poor health. This is not true. According to dentists, yellow enamel, if any, from birth, and has not lost its original color as a result of a number of habits, has a higher percentage of minerals, making it the most durable. Therefore, very thorough whitening enamel, however sparing methods it was not made, it is impractical. It can lead to tooth decay, and, as a result, forgetting is so attractive Hollywood smile, already have to take their medication.

However, white-toothed beauty on the covers of fashion magazines and on television cause us burning envy. And the likelihood of damage to teeth fades into the background. And we stubbornly seek appropriate means of whitening toothpastes fingering, or call for help to the dentist.

In general, today there are many ways to remove yellow plaque, some of which are practically safe for teeth. This applies mainly to the soft plaque, which is formed as a result of excessive consumption of coffee, strong tea, smoking, and the appearance of tartar. He may have a sweet tooth - sugar triggers the creation of acid in the mouth, under the influence of which the teeth are covered with small cracks, painted yellow pigments and food.

Typically, softyellow plaque on the teeth can be easily removed in the dental clinics with the help of special devices with ultrasonic tips. This procedure does not harm the enamel and destroys at the same time and tartar. After her teeth polished of special pastes, protecting enamel from harmful influences.

As for teeth whitening clinics, here things are a bit different. When professional whitening are used hydrogen peroxide and some acids, in varying degrees, destroying tissue and tooth enamel making loose. Of course, they can give a maximum whiteness teeth, but at the same time, they often look rather unnatural.

Independent methods of teeth whitening

One of the most accessible and popular ways to doyellow teeth much whiter - use a special toothpaste to choose which should be in consultation with your doctor. The most safe and effective among the pastes of this kind are popular Colgate and Blend-a-med Multi + White. Well proven and whitening toothpaste "Comme il faut", "New Pearl", "Splat», «Lacalut White», «Blanx», «Aquafresh». However, the approach to the purchase of some of these pastes should be cautious - their compositions are developed in accordance with a certain type of enamel and may not be suitable for all teeth.

Modern dentistry offers and other methods of self-whitening teeth with jewel case with a solution that daily put on the teeth for a few hours for two weeks. At home, for this purpose, you can use special adhered to the teeth, strips and whitening gel. Which of these options is preferable, only an expert can tell dentist.

Those who haveyellow teethBut for some reason does not want to turn to doctors, we can recommend the old grandmother means: rubbing teeth zest of lemon peel or rinse them with lemon juice. Pretty good helps whiten their teeth cleaning with baking soda ash or birch with salt. However, we must remember that any teeth whitening can be performed only in the absence of periodontal disease or dental caries. Not recommended for teeth whitening for pregnant women and adolescents.

In general, in order to make our smile for a long time could be excellent, you need to follow a few simple rules: drinking coffee, tea, cola, coloring juice through a straw as little as possible, as less smoking and drinking sweet carbonated water during the day and try to eat at least one apple or carrot. After each meal should be sure to rinse your mouth, and in the morning be sure to brush your teeth with a toothbrush medium hardness, does not injure the gums and preserves the maximum enamel. And, of course, at least once in six months and to apply visit the dentist to clean teeth for prevention. And then our teeth are shiny, strong and healthy for many years without causing particular problems and without the need to maintain their excellent condition inexpensively.

 Kocheva Olga
Women's magazine JustLady

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