Treatment of folk remedies for toothache

Treatment of folk remedies for toothache
 Toothache. ... How often it catches us by surprise, coming uninvited guests when we really are not ready. Of course, ideally at the first appearance of pain in the teeth should immediately contact your dentist, who will reveal the cause and carry out the necessary treatments. But, unfortunately, do not always have the opportunity to seek help from a doctor, and had to endure a lot of pain. ... That's when we come to the aid and folk remedies, which are almost always at hand. Herbs may temporarily relieve the suffering, until you can turn to the dentist.

Why is there a toothache? Usually this is preceded by caries, and then the inflammation of the periosteum and soft tissue as well as trigeminal neuralgia. Most often, people are to blame for problems with his teeth due to improper diet, excessive consumption of sweets, candies, soft drinks caries begins, and if its run time and can not be cured, there is a deterioration of the teeth. Toothache can be permanent - unpleasant, painful sensation that just crazy. And there may be bouts of pain - sharp, shooting, or pulsating.

In short, whatever it was, it is still one of the most unpleasant - shudder to remember it. If you suffer pain and seeknational treatment for toothache just because terribly afraid of dentists, the magazine JustLady strongly advise you to stop reading this article: Collect all his will into a fist and go to the doctor. Believe me, modern dentistry aims to be treated quickly and without pain. If you have unbearable toothache, but you have no opportunity to see a doctor, then JustLady tell you about the most popular methods of traditional treatment for toothache.

Treatment of folk remedies for toothache

Treatment of folk remedies for toothache - tinctures, extracts and herbs

• A decoction of sage. The traditional and most famousnational treatment for toothacheThe more that this herb is on the kitchen shelf almost each family. Sage herb brewed, strained and cooled. Warm broth should be kept in the mouth on the side where the aching tooth. Every 3-5 minutes, cooled decoction should be changed. Duration of treatment - about half an hour.
• Tincture of calendula and mint. Take equal amount of each herb, to insist. Moisten a cotton wool in tincture, applied to the affected area.
• The root of plantain. Speaking about national treatment for toothache, It should be noted this is an effective means. Traditional medicine states that if a fresh plantain root put in the ear (wrapped with gauze) from the patient's tooth, the pain should subside within half an hour.
• Fresh oregano leaves. To reduce pain and tooth cleaning is recommended to chew them.
• Root creeping cinquefoil. Effectively helps in the treatment of oral diseases, helps to relieve toothache.
• Infusion of yarrow, and infusion of the root calamus vodka helps decrease pain.
• A decoction of horsetail (or infusion). Rinse with pain in the teeth or gums.
• Infusion of lemon balm or lemon mint. 8 teaspoons of herbs pour 2 cups hot water and infuse for 4 hours. Rinse your mouth with this infusion.
• Infusion of chamomile. Broth to keep the mouth and rinse aching tooth until the pain subsides.
• The infusion of thyme or creeping thyme. 1-2 tablespoons grass pour 1 cup boiling water, leave, rinse in inflammation of the gums, the presence of ulcers, toothache.
• Infusion of chicory root. Crushed dried root pour a glass of boiling water (acidified), for 10 minutes. Warm broth rinse the aching tooth.

Treatment of folk remedies for toothache

Treatment of folk remedies for toothache - juices of plants

Among popular recipes can be found mention of the fact that the juices of certain plants rented toothache. For example, cucumber juice useful for the teeth and gums. You can also try to reduce the pain of turnip juice, and can be applied on the affected tooth slice of raw beets. There are prescription and garlic - peeled clove of garlic must be applied to the affected tooth and keep it up until the pain subsides.

Treatment of folk remedies for toothache - other means

With a strong dental Bole traditional medicine recommends to take a slice of bacon (it can be fresh and salty, of course, free of salt), and apply to the affected area. Salo need to keep in the mouth for at least 15 minutes until the pain subsides.

Journal JustLady hopes that at least one of the recipes presented here will help you to relieve their suffering. However, remember that at the first opportunity definitely need to see a doctor.People's treatment of toothache can only relieve pain, but to cure the cause of its occurrence, it can not. In some cases, self-medication can not only be useless, and worse - it could make the situation worse. Thus, if a tooth breaks, it may be accompanied by infections, however can not linger. Acute pain can lead to serious consequences: the infection can spread to other organs, and then the treatment will be much more serious. So, if you can not tolerate, and immediately go to the doctor!

People's treatment of toothache can be dangerous. For example, unacceptable methods such as heating of the jaw hot compresses and bags of salt. If periodontal tissues began to accumulate pus, then these methods can contribute to the rapid spread of infection beyond the jaw. Be attentive to your health!

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: gums, treatment, dental, broth