Traces of chickenpox in the face: how to remove?

Traces of chickenpox in the face: how to remove?
 After the disease chickenpox can always leave traces on the site of the rash - scars, scars or pits that can ruin any appearance. These effects of chickenpox do not pass on their own, so you need to start a battle with them as soon as possible.
 Eliminate the traces on the face of varicella can be through a variety of ways. The most effective result gives a comprehensive approach.

Use cocoa butter. It should be applied to the problem areas of your fingertips, while gently massaging the skin. With this appearance of the skin and improve its elasticity is restored. Regular massage of the face, especially in problem areas, accelerate cell renewal.

Daily use special ointments and creams. These funds must be on a natural basis. If they contain chemical ingredients or antibiotics can cause skin and your body great harm, because you risk to receive as a result of allergies, loss of immunity, as well as other skin diseases.

Influence the scars and scars after chickenpox is possible by using vitamin C in the form of a cream. It must apply topically. Effectively acting on melanogenesis, it will restore the scar tissue. Buy this vehicle, you can at the pharmacy.

Reduce the pockmarks and smooth skin will help injection under the skin of a special filler of collagen. This procedure is carried out in a beauty salon. However, this method gives only temporary results.

Contact a beauty center for chemical peels to remove the outer layer of the skin. You can also resort to mechanical peeling (dermabrasion and microdermabrasion) to remove the top layers of skin with microcrystals. These procedures should be treated by a doctor-dermakosmetolog.

To date, the most effective way of getting rid of marks on the skin - a method of laser skin resurfacing. In mild cases, you have enough to get rid of traces left on your face as a result of this infectious disease. In more complex cases, you need to see a dermatologist.

Tags: person, trace, chickenpox, removal, smallpox