Thrush in women: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Thrush in women: symptoms, treatment, prevention
 Thrush (candidiasis) is shown as a white plaque covers the mucous membrane. Places which are afflicted with this disease usually painless. But when compacting or plaque formation of cracks can cause pain. Candida albicans - are permanent residents of the mouth, skin, rectum and vagina. They are present in the human body in small quantities. A Candida begins with a decrease in the body's immunity and the rapid development of fungi Candida.
 Thrush has a lot of features. A woman may suffer as all the symptoms immediately, and one. The most common manifestations of vaginal candidiasis is:

 - Acute itching and burning sensation in the genitals;
 - Redness of the external genitalia and vagina;
 - Pain in the vulva;
 - Vaginal discharge (small allocation present in any healthy woman, but with the advent of candidiasis is greater, typically they resemble cottage cheese, unpleasant odors);
 - Painful urination (getting urine on the inflamed areas of the vagina causes acute burning sensation);
 - Pain during sexual intercourse;
 - Violation of urination.

Vaginal candidiasis symptoms usually appear 1-2 weeks before the onset of menstruation. Women who are prone to allergies, itching and burning are so strong that they can cause nerve irritation. Usually the discomfort worse in a warm, eg after a bath, or in the evening, which often interferes with sleep.

Treatment of thrush should appoint a doctor. But only after all the necessary tests. Remember, self-medication, especially in the acute form of candidiasis, can give only a temporary effect. And most importantly - you lose precious time during which the disease may progress to a chronic form. Therefore, to achieve a full recovery in a timely manner, please contact a specialist.

Today there are several methods for the treatment of thrush. You can use pills or topical preparations (creams, suppositories, ointments). Treatment tablets typically 5-7 days, depending on the complexity of the disease. Remember, before using these or other means, be sure to consult with your doctor. Since some drugs have no effect on foci of infection found in the intestine and the oral cavity. This may lead to relapse. Also, some medications can irritate the lining of the vagina.

Types of drugs that are used in the treatment of thrush:

 - Antifungal (local action);
 - Antimicrobial (topical);
 - Combined (topical);
 - Antifungal (inside)

Previously antifungal drugs for oral administration appoint a doctor. The reason for this fear of side effects and severity of candidiasis. For example, in cases where:
 - Thrush progresses in several places, that is extremely rare;
 - Local drugs are powerless;
 - Cases of severe allergic reactions to local media.

Nowadays there antifungals new generation. Now vaginal candidiasis may be cured only 1 capsule drugs, and it is very convenient. But their use does not preclude the possibility of recurrence and the development of resistance that may develop an entirely any antifungal medications. This happens because of too small doses, duration of treatment, or lack of self-treatment. Then, many gynecologists to rectify the situation, prescribe dietary supplements and many other similar drugs, without a detailed examination. But the effectiveness of some methods still do not proven. For example, the use of drugs with the bacteria, has no scientific basis. Also, inappropriate prescribing of drugs that stimulate the immune system, without a special investigation.

To avoid this unpleasant disease should know that prevention of thrush is as follows:

 - Maintenance of immunity at the appropriate level;
 - The use of condoms;
 - Personal hygiene;
 - Exclusion of sex with kandidonositelyami;
 - Timely treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and diseases of the genitourinary system;
 - Wearing clothes made from natural materials (synthetics difficult ventilation and promotes the formation of a medium with high temperature and humidity);
 - Exclusion of self-diagnosis and self-treatment;
 - Termination without the need for vaginal douching;
 - Exclusion perfume soaps, intimate deodorants, scented tampons and pads - all this is an additional factor provoking.

Tags: thrush, woman, treatment, symptoms, prevention