Sinusitis: Treatment of folk remedies. Chronic sinusitis - home treatment

 You have recently been ill with a cold or other infectious diseases, accompanied by a runny nose. It would seem that the peak of the disease for a long time has passed and you are clearly on the mend, but his nose is still laid, you are plagued by strange headaches, growing and spreading with each passing day, the temperature has risen again. Sadly, you seem to have sinusitis, so you will need to re-visit their physician as soon as possible. A women's magazine JustLady help you with tips on how to treat sinusitis in the home.

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Sinusitis - an inflammatory disease of the sinuses, which are located in the upper jaw. This disease arises due to the penetration of bacteria that cause the process. Infected mucous membrane swells, formed in the axils of pus, breathing through the nose difficult. In the later period of a headache, with acute fever, decreased performance, there is a feeling of weakness and fatigue.

Sinusitis pretty serious disease that threatens a variety of complications, if you do not start treatment in time, so the visit to the doctor you can not avoid. But along with the doctor's recommendations, you can alleviate their condition and speed up recovery, applying some of the waystreatment of sinusitis folk remedies.

One of the most powerful anti-sinusitis -tutsan. This grass is unremarkable, in fact, a natural antibiotic and can kill pathogens. This does not mean, however, that you should abandon the use of antibacterial drugs recommended by a doctor, but in combination with medication, St. John's wort gives a stunning effect.

Brew teaspoon dried herbs in a glass of boiling water. This solution was washed with the nasal passages. This treatment is especially effective if you have chronic sinusitis without purulent discharge.

To be accepted into the sinus prepare the infusion rate of 20 g herb per cup of boiling water. Take it up to 3 times a day for 150 g hot. The course of treatment 10-12 days. Healing infusion of sinusitis can be made from yarrow in the same proportions.

Sinusitis: Treatment of folk remedies. Chronic sinusitis - home treatment

Good tool forsinusitis treatment at home -3 infusion.
They are prepared separately, then mixed and buried by 5 drops in each nostril three times daily. These extracts can be used for inhalation (not more than 5 minutes), it is sufficient to 10-12 sessions.

The mixture infusions №1

Three cups of water brewed individually15 g of St. John's wort, 10 g Cudweed and 10 g of chamomile. After the infusion, and cook the mixture to drip, as mentioned above.

The mixture infusions №2

10 g of leaves and flowers of lemon grass, 10 g of plantain leaves and lemon balm herb and 10 g of peppermint brewed in individual cups. After the infusion will be ready, mix and drip into the nasal passages.

For the treatment of purulent sinusitis forms usedointmentWhich helps cleanse the sinuses.

To prepare the juice you need to take onions, kalanchoe, cyclamen root, aloe ointment Vishnevsky and 1 teaspoon. All mix well. On a wooden stick or a match wound cotton wool dipped in cream and paste into the nasal passages for 20-30 minutes. Procedural course of 20 days.

If the accumulated mucus in the sinuses, you can help rubbing the skin over themmustard oil. The friction movement should be light and cautious. Apply the oil should be every day.

Chronic sinusitis: the treatment of folk remedies

Unfortunately, sinusitis often becomes chronic. This happens mainly with those who did not bring the treatment to the end, brings cold on his feet, who weakened immunity. For such people, only a small rhinitis and mild cold to disease worsened again.

And in this case, the course of the disease may differ slightly from the classical picture, for example, does not have a fever. In any case, a trip to the doctor should be scheduled in the near future, and we in turn will give a few recipes fortreatment of chronic sinusitis in the home.

Recipe 1

At the first sign of exacerbation can be donepacks of clay. To do this, buy from a pharmacy clay, dilute a small quantity of hot water to the consistency of stiff dough. Then prepare two pieces of gauze (or bandage), soak them in vegetable oil. Cloth put on the area of ​​the sinuses (under the eyes on both sides of the nose), and on top of small cakes of clay.

Compress hold for about an hour. There may be discomfort, but will have to wait. According to reviews, after three days of such procedures condition improves, and aggravation you will bypass side.

Recipe 2

If chronic sinusitis accompanied by purulent discharge, your primary goal - to clear the sinuses of pus and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes.

For these purposes, traditional healers recommend to cookointment. In the Mix equal amountsjuice of onion, vegetable oil, alcohol, milk, honey, Grated or crushedlaundry soap (Dark, 72%). Fold all ingredients in a saucepan and warm up in a water bath to dissolve the soap. Then remove from heat cream and cool.

In a mixture of dip sticks with cotton wool wrapped around them, and insert it into the nasal passages. Thus it is better to lie to better penetrate into the mixture. Single procedure 15 minutes. Do they need to be three times per day treatment - 21 days.

Recipe 3

One of the bestTraditional treatments for sinusitis in the chronic form is consideredcompress of broth bay leaf. By all accounts, this tool within 5-7 days helps to cope with yet another aggravation even in purulent forms of sinusitis.

To prepare the broth, take3 large bay leaf and cover with water so that the leaves have disappeared, but a lot of water is added. Pot put on the fire and wait for the boil, then immediately remove from heat broth.

Lie down on the couch, dip in the broth thick cloth, wring out so that the water does not drip, and put on face, covering the forehead and both sides of the nose. Top cover with a towel to keep warm. Compress hold until cool.

After cooling down, take another cloth and dip back into the broth and apply to face.
This should be done until the broth in a saucepan not cease to be warm (about 3 times). The best time for such procedures - before going to bed.

This, of course, not allfolk remedies treatment of sinusitisBut, undoubtedly, one of the most effective.

Catchingsinusitis treatment at homeYou need to remember to consult your doctor. Even if you have chronic sinusitis, and you are used to deal with it yourself, you still will not prevent the expert examination and certainly save you from unpleasant consequences. Well before useTraditional treatments for sinusitis better check with your doctor which ones he can recommend, depending on the characteristics of the disease.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: temperature, leaf, eyebrow, runny nose, forum, apparatus, aloe way limit, clay, review, head, treatment, St. John's wort, child, sinus, selection, pus, sinusitis