Rough language: what are the reasons?

Rough language: what are the reasons?
 Language healthy person - pink, smooth, moist, has a small whitish coating. Visually, it seems velvety because of the papillae, which on closer inspection are clearly visible. But sometimes the language changes its properties - changes color and becomes rough in this case a man, of course, want to know - what is the reason.
 In fact, any change in the language or inform about diseases, or of an excess or deficiency of some substances in the body. In medicine, there is even a so-called lingvodiagnostika by which the physician in appearance to the patient's tongue even before the major symptoms of the disease determines what is in the human body, call for medical help, not in order.

So, rough tongue celebrated in violation of the salivary glands. It may come as a result of an overdose of some medications or vitamins. Most often this occurs with prolonged and frequent (more than 4 times during the day) antibiotics and means atropinovoy group, as well as vitamins A and D. In this case, there are cases change colors - from pink to brownish-brown.

Dry rough tongue covered with painful cracks may indicate diabetes and thyroid disease.

If a person is concerned about the feeling of roughness, dryness in the mouth, it is possible that this was the cause of dehydration occurred due to a high fever, intestinal infections, internal bleeding, diarrhea or acute abdomen - peritonitis, appendicitis, peptic ulcer complications. It is clear that the same symptoms occur in the ordinary dehydration when a person just a little drink of water.

Feeling that language if swelled and became rough, and in the morning in the mouth there is a bitter taste, can talk about this disease as biliary dyskinesia or gastro (inflammation of the lining of the stomach and duodenum 12).

Burn language as thermal and chemical, also cause dryness and roughness. It is necessary to lubricate the affected area or special ointment liberally to wet boiled water.

People with diseases of the autonomic nervous system during periods of acute discomfort can be observed in the oral cavity: saliva disappears, it's hard to swallow, the tongue becomes rough. With timely treatment and stabilization of these feelings pass quickly.

Finally, a rough tongue fresheners can cause oral, caramel, roasted sunflower seeds, nuts, nicotine, toothpaste (perhaps in its composition contains an ingredient that does not suit you, in which case you just have to change the pasta).

Tags: tongue, dry, cause roughness