How to treat trigeminal nerve

How to treat trigeminal nerve
 Treat trigeminal nerve is necessary in case of inflammation or irritation - a disease called neuralgia. The main feature of trigeminal neuralgia is a sharp, painful paroxysmal pain in one side of the face. The cause of this disease can be teeth affected by caries, trauma, colds, rheumatism, inflammation of the sinuses, and shingles.
 Comprehensive treatment of trigeminal neuralgia includes the early stage of the disease the use of drugs, physiotherapy, spirtonovokainovye blockade of peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve.

Several relieves the patient dry heat: warming up with the help of blue light bulb, zakutyvanie head a woolen scarf. Food should only be warm: hot, cold, spicy dishes irritate the inflamed nerve endings of branches and provoke an attack of pain.

Drug treatment is the use of anticonvulsants to prevent the development of pain attack ("carbamazepine", "Oxcarbazepine", "Tegretol," "finlepsin"), painkillers, sedatives (sedative) drugs, antispasmodics. Of physiotherapy used currents Bernard, paraffin baths, acupuncture.

Used in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia and traditional medicines, for example, packs of herb thyme, steamed in boiling water. This wrap is applied first to the healthy side of the face, and then - at the patient.

Traditional healers are practicing and imposing on the affected side of the face with a mixture of honey spirit of camphor. 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon water, 2 tablespoons of flour and 2 ml of alcohol camphor mixed, form a cake, put on the face, close provoschennoy paper and fixed with warm dressing. The procedure lasts for 0, 5-1 hours.

If a few months of conservative treatment are ineffective, surgery is used, the essence of which is to cut the trigeminal nerve root. In recent years, it is increasingly used technique of bloodless surgery - the so-called "gamma knife". Thus trigeminal spine destroyed by focused gamma radiation.

Tags: nerve treatment neuralgia