How to treat enlarged tonsils

How to treat enlarged tonsils
 Tonsils, or as they are called in the people, the glands can be called a true "guards", right guarding its own territory against pathogenic invaders in the form of microbes and viruses. After contact with the pathogen on the mucous throat tonsils immediately trigger mode of hard work, while increasing in size. However, when inflammation of lymphoid tissue (angina), especially when inadequate treatment, there are problems with tonsils.
 Today, there are two ways to deal with chronic inflammation of tonsils: a radical and conservative. Operating method, which involves the removal of enlarged tonsils, doctors rarely practiced today. With the variety of physical therapy and ultrasound treatment need for excision of the tonsils is no longer, excluding special cases. For example, frequent (more than three times a year) sore throat, tonsils weak resistance to external factors are the indication for their removal, which is carried out either by cryosurgery or tonsillectomy (with special forceps).

With an increase in the tonsils good effect gives rinse sea water or soda solution with the addition of iodine. In the absence of seawater can take natural sea salt in solution. The solution is this: in a glass of warm tap water two teaspoons (no slides) of sea salt.

It is possible to prepare such a solution: a teaspoon of baking soda and salt in a glass of water added (warm), stir and add three drops of iodine. Rinse tonsils good herb sage, pedunculate oak bark, nettle, birch twigs and leaves (young). Of these herbs make broths and rinse the throat a week or two until they are cured or decrease glands.

Tonsils just need a hot drink as a tea or milk with honey and lemon, raspberry jam or marmalade. When the inflammatory process when amygdala not only increased in size, but also loose with a pronounced redness great help tincture of eucalyptus, tea made from wormwood, echinacea and propolis. Propolis in solid form can even chew, taking for this little piece of (pea). It must chew daily for several days. Furthermore propolis oil lubricated palatal arch and tonsils. In parallel, it is necessary to improve the immune system, as well as to avoid hypothermia and the use of cold (especially carbonated) beverages.

Tags: tonsillitis, tonsil, increase the amygdala