How to treat a hand tremor

How to treat a hand tremor
 Tremor - is involuntary oscillatory motion (jitter) of the whole body or parts thereof. Hand tremor is the most common disorder of motor function. Often it is innate, but in some cases has severe course.
 In addition to genetic predisposition, causes tremors may be diseases of the nervous system abnormalities in the thyroid gland, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, alcoholism.

Benign tremor, with no apparent reason, the most common. It is called the family, youth tremor. It usually occurs in adolescence or early adulthood. This tremor begins first with one hand and then extended to the other. Connection of the tremor of the head, chin, legs. In this case, the person is able to write, hold a spoon and other items. Enhanced tremor at excitement, with alcohol. Shake is more pronounced if the arms stretched forward. Treatment of this type of tremor is usually not required. At very significant jitter doctor may prescribe propranolol or primidone. If jitter occurs only under emotional stress, you are limited to rare drug administration with a calming effect half an hour before provoking situation.

Postural tremor may occur at elevated anxiety, with hyperthyroidism. This type of tremor provoke alcohol or drug withdrawal, overdose of certain drugs, chemicals poisoning. Intention tremor observed in lesions of the cerebellum is responsible for balance. This species differs rough krupnorazmashistymi movements due to the motion. At rest tremor is absent.

Treatment of tremor is therapy of the underlying disease and the appointment of anticonvulsants. Often, this long-term treatment with short intervals. Such drugs can in the beginning of therapy cause drowsiness, lethargy, general weakness.

In milder forms of hand tremor can help traditional medicine. Need to mix equal parts of dried crushed roots of cyanosis, rose hips, motherwort herb, St. John's wort, lemon balm, peppermint, hop cones and leaves of rosemary. 50 g of this mixture pour 500 ml of vodka and infuse it in a dark place for 21 days, shake the contents. Then strain and take 2 drops three times a day before meals. The course of treatment - 2 months, break month. Need to be treated for one year.

To improve your condition and take control of tremor, need to learn to relax. This can help methods biofeedback, muscle relaxation and other techniques to reduce stress. It is necessary to limit the intake of caffeine as it has the ability to enhance tremor. Most important is a systematic, restful sleep.

Can weaken the tremor of hands, applying weights. Attach the cuff up to one kilogram of your wrist or elbow for some time. This will create a slight fatigue in the muscles and temporarily reduce jitter.

Tags: hand treatment, shaking, tremor, reason